Tick, Tick … The boom came from Broadway to Corrientes Street

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Persevere and you will succeed, the proverb attributed to Seneca, could be the leitmotiv for Jon, the protagonist of Tic, Tick … BoomJonathan Larson’s musical which is staged in a cooperative for only 8 Tuesdays (this, on July 26, will be the third performance) at Paseo La Plaza, directed by Ariel del Mastro.

The first work of the later author of Rent has been much better known internationally for less than a year, following the Netflix premiere of the Lin-Manuel Miranda with Andrea Garfield like Jon, that not so young man who is about to turn 30 and is desperate because he does not finish his first work, nor does he see concrete possibilities of going on stage on Broadway.

Larson took over the role when the show first premiered as a solo act and Miranda later starred in the version of Tic, Tick … Boom with three actors, who play Jon, his girlfriend Susan and the artist’s best friend, Michael. In Buenos Aires the work has already had its previous assembly, in the Maipo Kabaret and in the Konex Cultural City.

Federico Couts (standing), Lucien Gilabert and Pedro Velázquez, together with the musicians on stage.  Photo: print

Federico Couts (standing), Lucien Gilabert and Pedro Velázquez, together with the musicians on stage. Photo: print

The typical insecurities of every artist, even more so in those who feel themselves to be an aspiring composer, but who do not live on what they love, but on their work in a restaurant in New York, the city that is open to everyone but also swallows dreams .

Both Susan and Michael trust Jon, but they begin to wonder what their future holds if the years pass and he doesn’t finish his job. She is a dance teacher and is reluctant to take a job in Massachusetts, but what would it mean to part with Jon …

Susan plans to move from New York and work elsewhere, awaiting a response from Jon, her artist boyfriend.

Susan plans to move from New York and work elsewhere, awaiting a response from Jon, her artist boyfriend.

Unless he wants to accompany her, or tells her he wants her to stay by his side. A former actor, Michael gave up his ambitions to become a successful marketing executive. Jon hopes that a screening of his work will attract producers. What if that doesn’t happen?

follow or descend

What to do when unpaid bills pile up under the apartment door? no this is not Rentalthough we can well glimpse the germ of the Tony-winning comedy that Larson was unable to preview, because he died at 35, shortly before it premiered on Off, and which later jumped to Broadway.

Michael (Pedro Velázquez), Jon's best friend, and the projection on stage.

Michael (Pedro Velázquez), Jon’s best friend, and the projection on stage.

There is a small live orchestra – one of the high points, it sounds really, really good – that is on stage and the musicians at some point integrate, abandoning their instruments.

The use of a screen as a background, where the images recorded with the live cameras of the three performers are projected, floating with others from the archive, generates more confusion than dramatic contribution. The actions take place in the 90s, and the images of the United States with Domingo Cavallo become confused, and in a room not as large as that of Pablo Picasso, it is not necessary to approach the actors in order not to lose their gestures. The setting is like that of the 21st century, or millennials, of the 90s.

Federico Couts is Jon, the aspiring composer who awaits the producers to make his first work.

Federico Couts is Jon, the aspiring composer who awaits the producers to make his first work.

Federico Couts (was inside Rock of the Century) is Jon, Lucien Gilabert (Susan, forces her presence when she sings) and Pedro Velázquez (Extravagant boots) like Michael, occupy the space in a set with many bedside tables, one could also say that it is welcoming, in the right measure in the staging of Del Mastro, who was able to be much more bombastic in Cabaret, spring awakening or For the love of Sandro.

“Tick, tick … boom”


musical drama. Of: Jonathan Larson. Address: Ariel of the Master. Musical direction: Giulia Sosa. With: Federico Couts, Lucien Gilabert and Pedro Velázquez. Stay: Pablo Picasso, in Paseo La Plaza. Tickets: from $ 2,500 to $ 2,700.

Source: Clarin

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