Harry Styles. The British artist is on tour waiting for the premiere of the film “My Policeman”.
British actor and singer Harry Styles is promoting his next film, my copand affirmed it it will be a “tender” gay love story, without sex.
At the same time, the artist is on tour love on tourwith which, since June, he has toured over 30 cities Worldwide. He will arrive in Argentina in December, where on the 3rd and 4th of the same month he will be presented at the River Plate stadium.
To the former member of a direction he likes to play with the mystery of his sexuality and is regularly shown on red carpets and in photographic productions wearing generally feminine skirts, dresses and costumesfaithful to a so-called “fluid genre” style.
However, for this reason it has been linked to the queerbating, a technique that suggests some connection with the LGTBQ aesthetic, but does not openly represent a gay or LGBTQ charactereither in real life or in fiction.
Ever since his relationship with the actress became publicly known Olivia WildeAlmost two years ago, the couple also came under criticism and, apparently, most of their fans are mainly teenagers and gays.
In a recent interview with the magazine rolling stoneStyles made statements about his next movie, my policeman, Y his comments on gay sex in movies have sparked some controversy.
Set in 1950s Britain, a my cop Styles plays a gay cop (who does not publicly admit his homosexuality) and that maintains two parallel love affairs, one with a man and the other with a woman. The film will premiere in September at the Toronto International Film Festival and generates high expectations.
“Obviously it is rather unfathomable to think now”Oh, you couldn’t be gay. that was illegal‘”Styles said.” I think everyone, myself included, has their own path to discover sexuality and feel more comfortable with it. It’s not like a gay story about two guys who are gay. Rather, it is about love“.
The controversy between being and appearing
The posture, allegedly light of Styles to refer to the topic when millions of homosexual personalities and LGTBQ still face the discrimination that is the order of the day, it has led to criticism of the singer. Y they accuse him of “neutralizing” the issue instead of talking about it openly.
“Much of the gay sex in the movies is about two guys having sex, and this takes away the tenderness, ”said the artist, anticipating that his next character will not have those characteristics. “I wanted to show that Michael, my character is tender, loving and sensitive“.
Although gender identity is a very current topic, some activists criticize styles, and part of the film machine in general, for they are produced or part of films in which homosexuality is at the fore only if it is set in the past. And not today.
“Keep LGBTQ stories in the past ensures that the public cannot see pictures of happy LGBTQ people and prosperous people who live their lives in the present, “they declare.
Source: Clarin