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He kicked a rival in the chest who can now lose a kidney: “My mother cries because they call me a killer”

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If there is one characteristic that is attributed to Uruguayan football, it is “roughness“, and the first division of the neighboring country is famous for physical friction, to the limit of what is allowed. But what happened in a championship match in that country has exceeded a limit: for a brutal kick to the chest, a footballer is hospitalized e have a compromised kidney.

It happened in the match that ended goalless salting room Y South Americafor the second round of the Salteña Football League. Gonzalo Trindadea player from the second team, kicked Matia Sabarroshospitalized in a intensive treatment center (ICU).

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As seen in the video, the referee immediately sent the player off after the harsh infringement when he was near the end of the first half, but unusually protest the decision to show him the red card.

the local newspaper Village reported that Sabarrós is a renowned radiologist from Salto, who recovered after the blow, but had to leave the court with great gestures of pain. When he was transferred to the hospital it was discovered that one of his kidneys was compromised.

The player’s mother confirmed that the next few hours will be key to knowing if they will finally have to remove the organ or not.

“He is very sore, he has to make extreme immobility and they are constantly monitoring him. We are playing for him to evolve favorably and recover,” explained the father of the young man.

In an interview with TelemundoJosé Luis concluded: “If not, using a graphic term, the doctor told me that ‘if he falls off the cliff, there is no other way than to operate on him'”.

“My mother cries because they call me a killer”

Meanwhile, Trindade was very distressed by the situation. “I’m not a killer. I’m a guru who only plays football, I lost my foot“, he said in dialogue with local media.

My mother has been crying since Sunday because everyone calls me ‘killer, killer’but the killer is the man who killed the woman a few days ago, “said the South American footballer.

And he assured: “My mother is very sick, I have already told her that she must not go into those things”. “I know I was wrong, I didn’t mean to do it,” she added.

And he confirmed that as soon as he can he will go to see his rival to apologize. “Correctly, in advance, and I’ll tell him that I didn’t want to hurt him and I have nothing against him or anyone,” he continued.

Finally, he left a curious sentence: “If they call me dirty or bad, I’ll put it in the bank, but a killer is another thing”.

A close antecedent in Campana

On July 31, a young bell from Campania nearly lost his life in the middle of a match. A Kevin Agostino (19)a player from the local club 21 Septiembre, which competes in the local league of the municipality, had to have his spleen removed due to the blow suffered in the competition.

Clarin contacted the young man’s mother, Romina Perazzolo, who detailed that his son got a push as he ran with the ball which caused him to collide with the knee of the rival goalkeeper. Having been extremely sore, he says SAME was called and the game continued.

“I didn’t go to that game, but the ambulance took two hours to arrive and they didn’t want to take him to the hospital to make a dish. They just said he had a shot in the rib,” the woman said.

After the refusal to move, the young man left with his girlfriend, until three hours later he ended up calling his mother, desperate for grief. “He started to feel very sick, so I took him to the hospital. As soon as the surgeon saw him, he told me he had a lot of fluid inside – then they explained that it was three liters of blood – and that he was in danger. because his spleen had exploded, “he explained on that occasion.


Source: Clarin

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