Home Entertainment Marie-Louise Arsenault talks about the upcoming ending of Plus on est de fous, plus on lit!

Marie-Louise Arsenault talks about the upcoming ending of Plus on est de fous, plus on lit!

Marie-Louise Arsenault talks about the upcoming ending of Plus on est de fous, plus on lit!

The announcement of the end of The more the merrier, the more we read!scheduled for the month of June since Marie-Louise Arsenault launched the new talk show Everything can happen in September, many people were saddened in public as well as in Quebec’s literary community. He also gave many expressions of affection.

[Il y a] so many people showing me loveexpressed, moved, Marie-Louise Arsenault in an interview with Patrick Masbourian, Wednesday, on All one morning.

The host explained that it was his decision to end his famous show The more the merrier, the more we read! is the result of a long reflection, but it is the announcement of the cessation of The night was (still) young who decided him to open the page.

I am the opposite of impulsive. I think so long, I put things in perspective, he says. I put off a lot. [­…] Until a month ago, we were fixing [une année de] The more the merrier, the more we read!

Because of the desire to create a new show, so he chose to explore the path of the talk show anchored in the news with Everything can happenwhich will be broadcast at the beginning of the school year every Saturday from 4 pm to 7 pm, instead The night was (still) young.

Another cultural program is next The more the merrier, the more we read!but we do not know where the literature will be kept here. I sincerely hope that the person or people who will take on the cultural niche will be able to do what they want, as much as they want. said Marie-Louise Arsenault, who also took the opportunity to pay tribute to public radio.

It’s okay to criticize public radio and be demanding of it, but it’s okay to remember that there is freedom of speech, tone and content that is not found elsewhere.

A mourning for the world of literature

The impending departure of the waves of The more the merrier, the more we read! generates a longing for the literary community, and in particular for book sellers. This is clearly a disadvantage, as there are no longer programs where we devote a few hours a week to the world of literature, underlined Audrey Martel, co-owner of the Exèdre bookstore, in Trois-Rivières. It is a space rich in exchanges and positions that create a community.

Over the years, Exèdre, like other bookstores, has seen the impact of Marie-Louise Arsenault’s program on its shelves. On a daily basis, we see the impact when a writer conducts an interview or when the show returns a classic that we haven’t sold in years.explained Audrey Martel.

When we have a waiting list for War and peaceof Tolstoy, it is because we are talking about it now The more the merrier, the more we read!

According to him, the loss of the show will not cause a drop in sales, as bibliophiles will continue to find reading suggestions elsewhere.

However, this will prevent the discovery of certain specific titles, such as early novels, and the updating of older books.

If someone who releases the first novel, among the hundreds of novels that come out every week, has a chance to talk about it for 14 minutes during prime time, that will surely have an impact.

Source: Radio-Canada


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