Hilal Altinbilek is Züleyha, a woman willing to give up everything to save her lover.
The rating data, it is known, mark on the one hand the global panorama of the length of each cove, day by day. But it is inevitable not to put the magnifying glass on certain duels, especially if they occur in the so-called prime time.
In this sense, this Monday (September 19th) it was necessary to put the magnifying glass to the confrontation they are having Marcelo Tinelli with his sing with me now (the thirteen) vs. Natalia Oreiro and her Who is the mask? (Phone). And the result was a draw: both cycles average 9.0, which is good news for Tinellirunning from behind; a concern for Oreiro, who continues to lose audience.
To finish sizing the performance of each one, just remember that a few days ago, when the duel began, Who is the mask?with figures hovering around 19 points, he doubled the score by sing with me now. Today I am hand in hand.
Most viewed Monday 19 September
In a broader look, these were the most watched shows of the day, with multiple ties at once, as you can see. But above all, with the Turkish novel, Zuleyha (Telefe) becoming the most popular of the day.
1 °) Zuleyha (Phone), 9.9
2 °) The 8 million steps (the thirteen), 9.7
2 °) TV news (Phone), 9.7
3 °) Family love (Phone), 9.0
3 °) sing with me now (the thirteen), 9.0
3 °) Who is the mask? (Phone), 9.0
4th) The news of the people (Phone), 8.9
5th) Genesis, the origin of everything (Phone), 8.7
Tinelli advances, Oreiro retires
When you place the magnifying glass on the new duel, you can see it Who is the mask? started on Telefe with peaks of 20 rating points and in the latest issues it has not reached the double digits, something that gives power sing with me now by Marcelo Tinelli.
This Monday, at the start of both cycles, the fight for the standings was more than even, with the two measuring just over 9 points and sharing the top spot on the podium minute by minute.
Around 10:50 pm, he was in the lead sing with me now (9.3), followed by who is the mask (9.2). Once past 11pm sing … he came forward with 9.5at the same time Who... decreased his performance, scoring 8.3. At the end of the day, they would be tied up 9 points.
channel by channel
1 °) Phone
2 °) the thirteen
3 °) America
4th) The nine
5th) Public TV
6 °) Good TV
7 °) nettv
As always, every day leaves pearls – bright for some, black for others – depending on the different time slots. Some go up, others go down, here are some notes of what we have seen.
* Most viewed Zuleyha (Telefe, 19:00), with an average of 9.9 points. He won his place, scored 3 tenths above his average and was the most watched on Monday.
* The minimum of Who is the mask? (Telefe, 22:43) with its 9.0 points. Thus, he ended up matching in direct competition with sing with me nowand it was the third most watched show of the day together with Family love.
* The 8 million steps (Eltrece, 21:17) measured 9.7 points. It won its time slot and was the second program of the day together with Telefe Noticias.
* In your average THEY (America, 20:00) scored 3.0 points. Although it was fourth in its slot, it was the most viewed on the channel.
Source: Clarin