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PénélopeMeeting with Bernard Derome Former anchor Bernard Derome has spent 45 years of his life at Radio-Canada, including 34 years at Téléjournal. A long career as a journalist that he aspires differently today and that earned him the Medal of the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM). Bernard Derome recounted how he started out as a newsreader and shared the guilt, the complexities and the sacrifices he felt, overcame and accepted to make on his journey.

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Former anchor Bernard Derome has spent 45 years of his life at Radio-Canada, including 34 Newscast. A long career as a journalist that he aspires differently today and that earned him the Medal of the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM). Bernard Derome recounted how he started out as a newsreader and shared the guilt, the complexities and the sacrifices he felt, overcame and accepted to make on his journey.

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Bernard Derome also discusses two topics that fascinate him: international relations and history.

He talks about his role as president of the Institute of International Studies of Montreal at UQAM, he wants to be a foreign correspondent.

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Finally the journalist mentioned his latest documentary, Sir Rodolphe Forget, precursor of Quebec inc.which will launch Quebec theme week on Télé-Québec on June 20 at 8 pm

Source: Radio-Canada

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