Home Opinion Louis Robert retired and denounced the silence of civil servants

Louis Robert retired and denounced the silence of civil servants

Louis Robert retired and denounced the silence of civil servants

The senior management of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec (MAPAQ) will be able to rest easy. Quebec’s most famous whistleblower has retired since Friday, after 35 years of service, including 11 months in which the officer was unfairly removed.

In an interview he gave to Radio-Canada, Louis Robert lamented the indifference of public servants who did not dare to denounce the irregularities, even internally.

The agronomist also criticized the growing control exercised in public speaking by civil service experts, even on non -controversial topics.

Almost out of touch

Until his last day of work, grief was felt a dizziness about his dismissal and then his comeback, which made headlines in 2019.

The subject of my dismissal is somewhat taboo; we didn’t talk too much, especially the ascent of the hierarchy.

A quote from Louis-Robert

Despite everything, he didn’t experience any revenge, and neither did he Tablet. Instead, he was entrusted with important files. He even allowed himself to make another denunciation of wrongdoing, last year, at the Protectrice du citoyen.

We need to acknowledge one thing: Louis Robert enjoyed a somewhat special status with Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec, almost untouchable. Who else would want to chase a legitimate whistleblower when the matter ends with a public apology from the Prime Minister?

However, his colleagues are not in the same position …

Omerta in cubicles

My dismissal, unfortunately, it scared them moresaid Louis Robert about other ministry officials.

I can only see the behavior of my colleagues within Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebecthey made themselves pass through situations that would have deserved condemnation, but they were silent.

A quote from Louis-Robert

The agronomist cannot say what it is. Even in retirement, a former civil servant relies on the confidentiality of files. There is certain honesty that must be maintained and an ethic that must be followedrecollection of Louis Robert.

However, he attacks a certain I do not care to civil servants in irregular situations.

As soon as they enter the public service, they [les fonctionnaires] must think of that duty [de signaler le problème] back to their superiorshe said, whereas in reality, we all have this responsibility, because we are mandated to defend the public interest.

Sometimes officers can be scared [de dénoncer]but often they do not feel the responsibility to do so.

A quote from Louis-Robert

When you say nothing, you become complicit in problematic situationsHe added. When they are quiet, they choose sides and they let the situation continue.

Louis Robert in a field

Communication between journalists and officials is more difficult

Early in his career, Louis Robert said he spoke to agricultural journalists without requiring permission from his superiors. An unimaginable situation today.

We have reached unacceptable limitsaccording to him. One should have not less, but more opportunities to communicate in large numbers.

Over time, the opposite has happened.He added. We had more severe restrictions, so public service agronomists hardly appeared in special media, because we were not allowed.

Between us, we made jokes: even to talk about the life cycle of earthworms with a journalist, you have to go through the communications department.

A quote from Louis-Robert

He recalls that public sector agronomists have a responsibility for technology transfer; it is a work of communicationso it prevents us from performing an important function.

According to his experience, the more topical the topic, the more the general public needs our contribution to knowledge of the issuesbut the opposite happens: the greater the risk of decline.

The more important the topic, the more likely you are not to be allowed to speak.

A quote from Louis-Robert

He finds it hard to imagine an officer Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec it is easy to get permission to lecture on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or on pesticides. It’s funnyhe said. This is a debate we must have.

The former public servant understands, however, that a member of the public service cannot publicly oppose the orientation of his department, except that there is a balance there must be, and there, we exceed this balance.

Advice for whistleblowers

Louis Robert encourages his colleagues who wish to report serious situations to be familiar with the provisions of the Act to facilitate the disclosure of misconduct related to public bodies (New window) and follow the procedure.

In his case, what did he get Safethis is the report of the Public Protector (New window) who showed that he respected the law by denouncing the media as a last resort.

Instead, his superiors were blamed for disrespecting the confidentiality of his denunciation.

Except that one of the senior civil servants who did not follow the procedure, Geneviève Masse, is still in the post on Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec. Pretty frustrating, said Louis Robert. On the other hand, the deputy minister at the time, Marc Dion, left his post after the report was published.

The law allows for the waiver of his or her obligations of honesty and confidentiality with respect to his or her employer when disclosing wrongdoing and protects against retaliation against critics and those cooperating in an investigation as witnesses.

The Quebec government is currently working on improving the law, to put in place new, clearer and more effective reporting mechanisms that are more public.

Despite everything that happened to him, Louis Robert did not no regrets, and he would do what he would do tomorrow morning if he had to. He said he did it for the public, which, through their huge support, reminded him how much he had been right.

Source: Radio-Canada


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