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Thunderstorms: several thousand Quebecers were still without electricity on Monday

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Hydro-Québec made significant progress over the weekend in its efforts to restore power to its customers who lost it after the violent storm that hit several regions on May 21.

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At 8 pm on Friday, the number of subscribers without electricity had reached approximately 25,000. Shortly before 8:30 a.m. Monday, there were only 3,174 left, according to the state company, including 243 in the Laurentians.

The other two regions most affected by the losses were Lanaudière and Outaouais.

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Last Friday, Hydro-Québec clarified that 65% of the remaining losses affecting its network affected ten or fewer customers, meaning that in these cases power could only be restored to one to ten customers at a time. .

Very heavy barriers were observed on the roads leading to the workplaces to be undertaken to repair the faults.

In Ontario, Hydro One said Sunday that just over 12,600 of its customers are without electricity, most of them in the eastern part of the province. For its part, Hydro Ottawa estimates that at 9,900 the number of homes that have not been re -installed.

Bad weather on Saturday caused the deaths of at least 11 people in two provinces, primarily in Ontario, but also in Quebec.

Financial assistance

Special financial assistance was announced Saturday by the Quebec government to cover food losses suffered by beneficiaries of social assistance programs following power outages.

Recipients of social assistance affected by unemployment lasting more than 24 hours are eligible for this assistance of $ 75 per person. The maximum amount for each family is $ 300.

Source: Radio-Canada

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