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Initiation of strike by legal aid lawyers

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Defense attorneys receiving legal aid warrants began a two -day strike Monday morning. They showed up in several cities in Quebec to get an overhaul of legal aid and better compensation.

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Some private practice lawyers are notably in front of the courthouses of Quebec, Montreal and Gatineau.

The president of the Association of Defense Lawyers of Quebec, Me Dominique Cantin, confirms that 75% of her cases come from legal aid.

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Low compensation

He denounced the low salaries of lawyers. For defending a person charged with a summary offense, meaning a crime such as theft under $ 5,000 or having a driving disability, the attorney for legal assistance receives $ 415.

This is to do the whole case, including a one day trial. This includes going to court appearances, having negotiations with the prosecution, analyzing our evidence, reviewing whether we need more information, producing more information. Just for client meetings, it can easily take five, six hoursexplained Me Cantin.

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The retribution is not much higher on more serious charges. Legal aid attorneys receive $ 600 for the entire file.

Once we find a file that is less complicated, someone can easily call 10, 15, 20 lawyers to try to find someone who will take his or her file. What we have seen in recent years is that people are abandoning the professionsaid Me Cantin into the microphone of the morning show First time.

Some departures

Prior to the pandemic, the Quebec Defense Lawyers Association had 150 members. Now, they are 90. According to its president, most are tired of the mode of remuneration. Many have moved on to other fields of law.

A working group was formed in 2020 to study the entire operation of legal aid. Its conclusions were forwarded only to the Minister of Justice.

The final report came out on Monday last week. He recommends a complete overhaul of the way it works. We want the government to commit to implementing it with a timetableunderline Me Cantin.

For better access

The reform could allow better compensation for lawyers, but also promote greater access to legal aid and facilitate access to legal documents.

Today, many people who do not have access to legal aid, but cannot afford a lawyer, choose to defend themselves.

Often, there will be many discounts for the person trying to find a lawyer. They must be assisted by judges, clerks and lawyers. This puts extra pressure on the systemmention of Me Cantin.

Despite the issues he raises, the lawyer has no intention of giving up legal aid.

In all sorts of cases I do, mental health is my passion. We are often asked why we continue to provide legal assistance. This is a callinghe believes.

Source: Radio-Canada


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