Home Opinion Gina Goulet, the last victim of the Portapique shooting, is known to be the killer

Gina Goulet, the last victim of the Portapique shooting, is known to be the killer

Gina Goulet, the last victim of the Portapique shooting, is known to be the killer

The latest victim of the shooting in April 2020 feared that he was the target of the shooter wanted by the police because he was a fellow denturist and he knew where he lived in Shubenacadie.

The Mass Casualty Commission of Public Inquiry into the murders presented its findings on the death of Gina Goulet at a hearing Wednesday in Halifax.

We learned that on the morning of April 19, 2020, Gina Goulet and her daughter, Amelia Butler, were exchanging text messages about the situation in the community of Portapique, Nova Scotia, where they heard people had been killed. . .

They also provided the latest information on the movements of the shooter. Gina Goulet has been a denturist for 27 years and has worked from home. He was notorious for shooting, running a denture clinic in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.


The morning she was killed, Gina Goulet confessed to her son that she was nervous to learn that she had been released. Another colleague at the dentist also contacted him to suggest that he lock his doors.

A smiling woman with a green sweater and green necklace around her neck.

Gina Goulet also asked her son to keep his phone nearby, in case he needed to call.

He sent his last text at 10:49 am: Like I said, he’s a smart guy, almost super smart.

She then tried to call her son around 10:58 am, but dropped the call before Amelia Butler could answer. This is the time the homecoming would have killed by collapsing the window in front of the door.

He shot Gina Goulet’s two dogs, without killing them, before he was attacked. He shot her in the bathroom next to her bedroom.

He then fled south in Gina Goulet’s car, a gray Mazda 3 hatchback.

Amelia Butler tried to call her mother 16 times while on her way to her residence. Arriving there, it was her husband, David Butler, who discovered Gina Goulet’s body. He told his wife: We can do nothing, it’s not good.

Amelia Butler called 911 after seeing blood outside and together they called for help by stopping police at roadblocks on Highway 224.

Fast travel

A Commission report states the shooter was at Gina Goulet’s home less than five minutes later. He also indicated that in the beginning, the shooter went straight to Gina Goulet’s house, before turning around.

Arriving at Gina Goulet’s house, police discovered that a side door had been forcibly opened and there were pieces of bloody police uniform thrown on the lawn. There is a gray shirt with a badge Royal Canadian Mounted Policea fluorescent traffic vest and a dark colored vest.

The vehicle was hidden behind a shed.

ang sport utility vehicle money from Joe Webber, stolen by the shooter, was parked in the back of the house. Investigators later determined he was not visible from the road when the RCMP tactical team passed by. That is why it is not known if the shooter was still at the property when the police passed by.

Cause of attack

The Commission has come to no conclusion as to why the shooter targeted Gina Goulet, but a fellow denturist recalled an encounter between the shooter and Gina Goulet that injured her.

Debbie MacDonald said he witnessed an exchange embarrassing at a dentists’ conference in Dartmouth in September 2019. He insists that Gina Goulet was an insult. Gabriel Wortman.

He would have said something and he would have answered: For love, Gabe, you don’t know what you’re sayingSaid Debbie MacDonald.

Her daughter, Amelia Butler, recalled hearing that the shooter once asked if Gina Goulet wanted her to work, but she did not recall any friction between the two.

Last hour of drama

The shooter left the area on Highway 102 southbound. He then exited exit 8, to refuel at Irving station in Enfield.

He parked at pump number 5 and the police Ben McLeod at Craig Hubley arrive a minute later and stop at pump number 6.

Four policemen in the back of a vehicle, pointed their guns.

The killer remained in his vehicle. Officers identified him and pulled out their guns to fire at the window and windshield of the passenger side of the Mazda.

In his report, the coroner confirmed that the shooter died after being hit by several projectiles in the head and vital organs of the torso and abdomen.

One of the projectiles that hit the killer’s head was fired from the gun he had.

Five handguns were found in the Mazda, including Constable Heidi Stevenson’s service weapon. Two of the weapons have a built-in laser. There were also many bullets in a carton in the passenger seat and the keys of various vehicles stolen in his escape.

With information from François Pierre Dufault, Kheira Morellon and Elizabeth McMillan, ng CBC

Source: Radio-Canada


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