Plane tickets at $ 500: a limit of three per person per year

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Travelers who want to take advantage of the $ 500 subsidized rate for regional flights to Quebec starting next month will not be able to buy more than three per year, Radio-Canada has learned.

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According to our information, travelers who don’t have to make round trips can also choose six one-way tickets at $ 250 each.

These terms correspond to the minimum promised by the Minister of Transport. After presenting his program in April, François Bonnardel affirmed that travelers have the right even three $ 500 tickets per year.

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The Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) will have the utmost responsibility for ensuring that travelers respect the program rules, according to our information. This is the request of the airlines, that they do not want to play police with their customers.

So they send their databases to MTQto be seen if the same traveler buys more than three $ 500 tickets throughout the year from all airlines participating in the program.

$ 500 tickets must be accessible beginning Wednesday 1steh June. Minister François Bonnardel will review the situation as soon as possiblesaid his press officer, Claudia Loupret.

Insufficient compensation

Before formalizing the program, the MTQ however should conclude an agreement with the carriers, which has not yet been done on Friday afternoon, according to our sources, even if the signature seems imminent.

However, one point continued to inspire mistrust: the compensation the government would offer to carriers to fill the difference between the price of a $ 500 ticket and the price at which it was typically sold.

According to our information, the compensation provided for some routes is considered insufficient, as it does not cover the sum of this price difference. This is especially true in the context where the cost of fuel for the plane has increased significantly.

The government says its program will stimulate demand for regional flights to Quebec, which will translate into better year -round rides for carriers and therefore more revenue.

Carriers seem willing to make that bet. However, if the program has caused them to suffer financial losses, they can withdraw from it. The agreement will be valid from 1eh June 2022 to May 31, 2023, according to our information.

Source: Radio-Canada

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