Home Politics Survival of French: Legault must inspire freedom, believes St-Pierre Plamondon

Survival of French: Legault must inspire freedom, believes St-Pierre Plamondon

Survival of French: Legault must inspire freedom, believes St-Pierre Plamondon

If the safety of the people of Quebec is at stake because of immigration, as he says, François Legault should consider freedom, believes Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

The leader of the Parti Québécois challenged Prime Minister Legault on Thursday by re -launching the national question and arousing anxiety among some elected members of the CAQ, who opposed themselves on the question of a possible threat to the country of Quebec.

On Saturday, Mr. Legault made the recall of immigration powers a matter of safety for this Quebec nation, but Justin Trudeau objected to a definite no to his requests.

If it is a question of survival, Mr. Legault must be consistent, according to Mr. Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

I launched the following challenge, a call to duty to François Legaulthe said, moving.

I ask François Legault to name this possibility, explicitly mention the possibility that, if Justin Trudeau does not immediately change his mind on the issue of immigration powers, this is our freedom, this is our independence, that he says so, federalist people. as Robert Bourassa did.

In a press scrum, François Legault declined to say whether he was still personally sovereign, as when he was a PQ minister.

Instead, he reiterated that he was a nationalist within Canada, and had no appetite for freedom.

All the elected CAQists repeated the same statement at once: they all rejected the brand of federalists, but all said we needed to stay in Canada.

In a scrum, CAQ MP Sylvain Lévesque argued that Quebec was not in danger.

There is no challenge to get stuck in Canada and it is not on the ropes of CAQin his words.

Yes, we are threatened, we should put our fist on the table, we should claim, but we can do it very well within Canada.pleaded with the Minister of the Family, Mathieu Lacombe.

I, I like Canada, it’s a beautiful country, Canada, we’re in Quebeclaunched Minister Delegate for the Economy, Lucie Lecours.

Note that, since its inception, the CAQ has continued to be forced to justify its position, not federalist or sovereign. At that time, Mr. Legault called for an exit from this division.

Source: Radio-Canada


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