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“She deliberately chose to keep her homophobic comments”: a forum questions the maintenance of Caroline Cayeux

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A text signed by elected representatives of the majority denounces the minister’s words, in difficulty since his comments on the LGBT community. “She deliberately chose to keep homophobic statements about her: it is certainly reprehensible. Only a judge must decide”, says this forum.

Can Caroline Cayeux hold out? A column published in Sunday newspaper this Saturday calls for the resignation of the Minister of Local Entities after her comments on LGBT people.

“How to accept that a member of the executive, whose main function is to ensure the application of the laws, can be described as ‘those people’ French citizens?” Asks the text, signed by deputies of the current majority and former ministers of Emmanuel Macron. including Manuel Valls. Ambroise Méjean, president of Young with Macron, is also one of the signatories. The publication recalls that the minister’s statements are “certainly reprehensible” and that “only a judge should decide.”

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Subsequently, this forum also questions the government’s position regarding these statements. “The question is whether the government, in its duty of solidarity, validates the position of one of its members, and whether the majority subscribes to his attitude,” it is written.

“It is not about defending this or that community, but about respect for the principle of equality and legality on the part of one of the members of the government. We know that setting an example is more than ever necessary to maintain a peaceful democratic debate. and constructive.”

“She deliberately chose to keep her homophobic comments”

After a column published in Stubborn this Monday, describing the former mayor of Beauvais, a long-time member of the LR, as “the face of the demonstration for all”, Caroline Cayeux is questioned on Tuesday in the Public Senate about the statements made in 2013 on the occasion of the marriage exam . law for everyone.

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The former senator of the Oise, then LR, had described in 2013 the reform presented by Christiane Taubira during a debate in the Senate as “whim” and evoked “an opening of the law disrespectful of nature and insane”, seeing it as “an unnatural design “. .

In response, Caroline Cayeux claims to “obviously keep (her) words”. Before adding: “I have many friends among all these people. Frankly, it is a bad judgment that they are doing to me and it upsets me a lot”.

“She deliberately chose to keep her homophobic statements: it is certainly reprehensible. Only a judge must decide”, analyzes this forum, in light of these words.

It is not about “duty of solidarity” within the government for Cayeux

However, the minister has tried to back down. Faced with the outcry, the minister is forced to apologize a few hours after her interview without convincing. “We have the right to make mistakes once”, warns Olivia Grégoire “.” I am one of those people”, she still chides Clément Beaune, while Olivier Véran denounces” anachronistic remarks “.

Caroline Cayeux therefore speeds up by dividing a long interview into the parisianwhere he calls her comments “clumsy and stupid”, defending her career as a local elected official in the “service of equal rights”.

The maneuver did not convince the signatories of the forum who flatly refuse to be associated with his statements.

“The question is whether the Government, in its duty of solidarity, validates the position of one of its members,” the text further argues.

Can Caroline Cayeux hold on after this scathing post? Regardless, she wanted to appear alongside Brigitte Macron during the parade on July 14.

Christophe Béchu, the new Delegate Minister for the Ecological Transition, is also implicated for having considered marriage for all as “a threat to the balance of society”. Mayor of Angers, in 2016 he also had HIV prevention posters showing gay couples in his city removed.

Author: Mary Pierre Bourgeois
Source: BFM TV

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