Braun-Pivet, president of the National Assembly, does not take a dim view of the tensions in the hemicycle

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The president of the National Assembly asks the executive to be in a “listening position” and consult the other political formations more than in the past.

The president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, said on Saturday that she did not want a “too soft” hemicycle because it is representative of the “tensions” that “go through” the country, in an interview with the Parisian where he calls the executive for more “consultation”.

“We must not conceive the Assembly as a place where the slightest behavior, a little turbulent or a little noisy, must be sanctioned immediately”, advocated Yaël Braun-Pivet, admitting that at the end of legislative elections marked by a push from the RN and LFI, “the hemicycle is a bit overheated”.

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“I don’t want a too fluid Assembly. As it emerged from the June elections, it is more representative of the country’s political balances but also of the tensions that are going through it”, underlined the LREM deputy for Yvelines, while assuring that she will not hesitate to “sanction when the comments go too far or when there are boos.”

But “I don’t expect an Assembly to be standardized,” he insisted, rejecting the criticism of the president of the PACA region Renaud Muselier who had denounced a “dirty, disheveled left that screams everywhere.”

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“I expect a listening position” from the executive

In this interview, the elected representative of Yvelines returns to the method of operation that she wishes to maintain with an executive who “perhaps tended, in the past, to want to go fast” but who is now deprived of an absolute majority.

“I hope that the government today is in a position of listening, of dialogue and that it can take into account the sensitivities expressed by others”, explains Yaël Braun-Pivet.

The first woman president of the Assembly, she calls for “everyone, including the government, to take time for discussion, negotiation and consultation.”

Limit the use of recipes

In a letter sent to Elisabeth Borne on Tuesday and which AFP was able to consult, he asks the Prime Minister to “better anticipate parliamentary work, favor the presentation of concise texts and promote the initiatives of the National Assembly.”

“It is essential that the government continue to share with the National Assembly its provisional work program as precisely as possible,” wrote Yaël Braun-Pivet.

As before as president of the Legal Commission, she advocates “contact groups that bring together deputies from different political groups and ministers in the preparation of bills, with a view to co-construction and the search for convergence”.

Yaël Braun-Pivet finally asked Elisabeth Borne to “limit” as much as possible “the use of ordinances” and involve parliamentarians as much as possible.

Author: EP with AFP
Source: BFM TV

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