For his return, Laurent Wauquiez calls to prepare “the great meeting of 2027”

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The LR president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, who has decided not to enter the race for the presidency of the Republicans, without giving up the presidential election, stressed that his “conviction is that we have a mission: to prepare today for the post-Macron period.

The LR president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez, called this Sunday to prepare “the great meeting of 2027” by listing a speech on the method during his traditional return to the foot of Mont-Mezenc (Haute Loire) .

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“My conviction is that we have a mission: to prepare the post-Macron today,” hammered out the elected official who decided not to embark on the race for the Republican presidency, without giving up the presidential one.

“We have to gain height. It is an immense task to which I want to dedicate myself completely: to question myself, to immerse myself in the deep country, to renew the thread of trust that has been lost, to mobilize the starting forces. to succeed in the great meeting of 2027”, he added.

“It is with authority that we will have to stop massive immigration”

“And we must prepare now,” stressed Laurent Wauquiez, promising not to have “the intention of shutting ourselves up in an ivory tower,” but calling to “travel the country, listening to find the new ideas that we will need.” .

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In an alleged reference to the title of a book by Michel Houellebecq, the former head of LR deplored the “submission” of politics and denounced “a minority of technocrats, judges, active minorities who have put their hands on countries”, as well as the “all you can eat allowances”.

Laurent Wauquiez has again set aside issues that are dear to him: “put work back at the heart of French society”, “more borders to better protect” or “rediscover the sense of respect (…), which It implies restoring authority. .

On these issues, the president of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes thanked Éric Ciotti, present at his side: “Yes, he is right, it is with authority that we will have to stop mass immigration”, in particular, Laurent Wauquiez slipped to the deputy. of the Maritime Alps, also a candidate for the LR presidency, to applause.

Pushing right to seize “new topics”

Another contender at the head of the party present at the Auvergne march, Serge Grouard, as well as Othman Nasrou, although the latter has not yet officially entered the race.

Against them, the president of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes advocated the right to “take on new issues”, such as public services or the environment, promising “a positive ecology, which helps the French instead of punishing them”.

“This is what we are going to do, rebuild,” he harangued again, promising to “devote all (his) energy and all (his) determination, stronger than ever.” “Nothing is ever written for determined souls and brave spirits,” he argued still on top of Mont-Mézenc during his speech, a summer ritual he had established in 2012.

Author: RF with AFP
Source: BFM TV

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