Punk referee adopts a FIFA profile here in Doha. is fernando rapallinimaliciously nicknamed on some Internet pages for his fanaticism for that kind of rock and for his presence at concerts.
There are no strange hairstyles or earrings, just the tattoo on his left leg that recalls the countries he has passed through. He already has Qatar on his skin.
On a more than hot morning, he frequents the press in English and Spanish in a mixed area, and beyond the fact that he takes great care of every word, he cannot and will not hide his joy. “I came to do my World Cup, to enjoy absolutely everything. I feel no pressure, but a lot of freedom and joy to direct. It’s a great pride and privilege,” she says.
At 44 years old, with three Superclásicos and seven finals on his resume, plus the bonus of having been the first South American referee to officiate a European Championship (it was June 17, 2021, in Ukraine-Macedonia, where he took two penalties). Rapallini is one of the seven representatives of Argentine arbitration. He is accompanied by Facundo Tello, the other chief judge (it is the first time Argentina has contributed to two), assistants Juan Pablo Belatti, Diego Bonfá, Ezequiel Brailovsky and Gabriel Chade, plus Mauro Vigliano as VAR manager.
Proof that Argentine arbitration has a better image than we think? “He has to do with everyone’s career and what everyone has earned on the field,” replies the man born in La Plata who also works in a family business that builds swimming pools.
Always friendly, he seems a little uncomfortable when they insist that Argentina would need to be eliminated to reach the final. “We haven’t started yet, we’re going step by step,” he says in an elegant outing. He also rejects any comparison with Argentine football, it is clear that the education also spoke of the relationship with everything external.
Then talk to clarion.
-How are you living your first World Cup experience?
-With great expectations, very happy, we have worked very hard for a long time, we have a lot of education, training and preparation.
-Did they give you precise guidelines on how you want them to drive?
– Precisely we have to stay with everything. We are asked to do things the way we have done them to try and make it a very good show for everyone, nothing more. The rules are the same. The idea is respect for the game and for the player’s integrity.
-New is the semi-automatic offside technology, does it help you?
-Yes, of course, it is a very valuable tool, which will allow us to have more speed in decisions and in the game.
Are you in favor of the use of technology?
-Yes, of course, it is a great help. We have to make the decisions on the pitch and then, if we get it wrong, that’s what the technology is for.
–The other novelty is the presence for the first time of six female referees. How are you experiencing this change?
– With great joy. For us they are companions, it is something natural. We are one team: when we arrived ten days ago a FIFA poster said Team One and we say it’s One Team, one team and it’s not a pun.
-For fans, it may not be so natural for a woman to drive.
– For us, yes.
Fernando Rapallini greets, rushed by a FIFA man. Then, thermos and mate in hand, he gets on a bus to continue enjoying his first world adventure.
Doha, Qatar. Special delivery
Source: Clarin

Jason Root is the go-to source for sports coverage at News Rebeat. With a passion for athletics and an in-depth knowledge of the latest sports trends, Jason provides comprehensive and engaging analysis of the world of sports.