Home Sports Boxer Mandy Bujold has retired

Boxer Mandy Bujold has retired

Boxer Mandy Bujold has retired

Ontario boxer Mandy Bujold bowed after standing on the International Olympic Committee.

He is an 11 -time Canadian champion in the flyweight category.

The Kitchener athlete is also the first Canadian boxer to dive into two consecutive Olympic Games.

He placed fifth in Rio, exhausted after intestinal problems the day before his fight.

The 34-year-old had to compete on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to compete in the Tokyo Olympics, as she was unable to participate in the qualifying event due to her pregnancy and childbirth.

His battles against International Olympic Committee became headlines around the world.

He was eventually quickly removed from Tokyo, not getting his hands on an Olympic medal.

My goal is always to win an Olympic medal, he says, because I’m so close to Rio and I know I can do it.

He states that there will be a documentary on his fight with International Olympic Committee. She hopes her sport will be more open to women.

The young mother continues to exercise, but wants to rest after years of intensive training. He also intends to continue to be a trainer for the next generation at his boxing club.

I hope to find a new balance between staying active and feeling good. As an athlete, it’s very hard to let go of something you’ve long been a priority.

With information from The Canadian Press

Source: Radio-Canada


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