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Gonzalo Belloso called Central’s outgoing management a “gang of thieves” and denounced wrongful act involving singer Arjona

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The president of Rosario Central and Gonzalo Bellosoconvened a press conference to announce the results of an internal check: between checks, bank and current debits, the box has a negative balance of 1,600 million pesos. The leader spoke harshly with the leaders of the last board of directors, which he accused of “band of thieves with accomplices”.

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“There is a current debt from suppliers, people who bring food or cut the grass, which are common expenses in a football club, which comes from 2019, 20, 21 and 22, but who started with a fair deadline for January and February 2023, with the clear intention of bringing the plant out of businessbut Central will not fail because we are able to make the club progress and because there are many people who support us” Belloso said at the conference offered at the club’s headquarters in Arroyo Seco.

If this club has not been left for dead, this gang of thieves with accomplices is not killed by anyone. There is a board of directors with very well-prepared people, many people with very good intentions, the opposition who have made themselves available, historical figures of the club, former players, rogue people who are mobilizing to advance the centre-back. This club has a destiny of greatness and to embrace each other to become champions,” she considered.

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The former centre-forward who won the December 18 elections with over 78 percent of the vote and defeated the ruling party, whose presidential candidate of the Ricardo Carloni – who held the position for the driver’s license Rodolfo Di Pollina-, accompanied by Marcelo Forseno as candidate for first deputy and Carla Fachiano,

Belloso anticipated that economically it will be “a difficult year” for the scoundrel, reflected on hiring players and a new coaching staff. “Despite this situation, we have strengthened ourselves with four good players and a senior coach in Miguel (Ángel Russo), who wanted other teams,” he said.

“They left us debts of 1,600 million pesos between cheques, banks and current debts, when the club’s income from television is 700 million a year, that is, they left us in debt for two years and not much. I’m not used to having debts, but we’ll have to learn to manage ourselves“, he analyzed.

The villainous hiring of Arjona

“The club had (loan agreement) mortgages at a rate of 29 percent in dollars, a rate that does not even exist in Africa, to give just one example of this band of thieves and their accomplices, who wanted to bankrupt the Central. But they couldn’t do it and they won’t be able to do it, ”she presaged.

To graphically represent the modus operandi denounced, Belloso made an announcement involving the production house Fenix. “There is a contract with an artist, (Ricardo) Arjona, who is worth 20 million on the market, but who signed at Central for two million, therefore the petitioner and the production company have committed an offence and from now on I will let you know that I don’t think Arjona will sing at Central,” he announced.

“The centre-back loaned (midfielder Joaquín) Pereyra to (Atlético) Tucumán on a 50 percent contract (of the pass) for $500,000, to be paid $200,000 in January, 200,000 in May and another 100,000 after, but on December 5″ , they sold 100 percent of the pass, it is not known in what amount. To sell a player, they must be approved by the board, according to Central’s bylaws. And now we don’t have the player, we don’t have the minutes and we don’t have the money,” he said.

Source: Clarin

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