Usain Bolt reported a theft of millions of dollars from an account at Jamaican investment firm Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL), for which local police have launched an investigation.
Commented Nugent Walker, representative of the winner of eleven world titles and eight Olympic titles the athlete noticed the disappearance of his money last Wednesday.
“We’re going to go all the way,” Walker said.. And he explained: “The Financial Investigations Division and the Financial Services Commission are among the entities that have been informed of the crime”.
Walker commented on it Bolt has his account “for more than ten years at that company” and assured that the necessary measures were taken to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
The company where the athlete was robbed is Stocks and Securities Limiteda financial investment group with offices around the world.
The prime suspect
The police investigation resulted in a prime suspect: a former employee of the company who allegedly pulled off a massive scamnot just to Bolt, but to the entire finance company.
The suspect’s attorney, Tamika Harris, denied that information. and assured that his client has been in talks for two weeks with SSL.
Source: Clarin

Jason Root is the go-to source for sports coverage at News Rebeat. With a passion for athletics and an in-depth knowledge of the latest sports trends, Jason provides comprehensive and engaging analysis of the world of sports.