Ricardo Caruso Lombardi He is one of the great characters of Argentine football. After a long career as a footballer, he has become a DT specialist in getting promotion and relegation in dribbling. In recent times, away from the banks, he has been manager of Deportivo Español and has been seen as a television columnist. Always spicy. Always ready for controversy. However, in recent days, he stopped being seen on screens and the baseball world went into shock. Is that they have detected a brain tumor that has forced him to undergo surgery in the last few hours.
Already in the recovery phase, Caruso Lombardi, 61 years old. He told the specialized site El Ascenso x 3 the details of the disease that he has been fighting for several months. The first warning signs appeared when he was still working as a coach.
“When I was heading to Belgrano, I started feeling a pain just above my ear. He put some ice on me, but didn’t give it much importance“, revealed Caruso Lombardi
However, as the discomfort didn’t stop, he didn’t let any more time pass because he remembered an old health problem that his father had and that could be related to the pain that made his day more and more difficult.
“Since my father had an aneurysm, I went for a checkup. And I had a tumor on my head”, revealed the former manager of San Lorenzo, Racing and Tigre, among many other clubs in Argentina. It was then, once his illness was made public, that he received the affection and affection of the football people.
“I’ve been to several hospitals, clinics and, in short, either I’ve had surgery or I’ve gone blind”, underlined. And I add: “I was hospitalized in Mater Dei, they operated on me for six hours and this Monday they’ll remove the stitches. Obviously I’ll have to get checked afterwards”.
Thus, Caruso Lombardi is already preparing for his return. He will have to start his rehabilitation, but as soon as he can he will return to the screens of TN Deportivo, where for several months he has been analyzing everything that happens in football in weekend broadcasts.
Source: Clarin

Jason Root is the go-to source for sports coverage at News Rebeat. With a passion for athletics and an in-depth knowledge of the latest sports trends, Jason provides comprehensive and engaging analysis of the world of sports.