The match between racing AND Hurricane He had an allegation of violence that started two days ago and that also delayed the start of the meeting by 15 minutes. After Thursday’s arrests, when Buenos Aires police arrested 20 bars of the so-called group The racing boysthe Agency for the Prevention of Violence in Sport (Aprevide) managed the time change to avoid the night departure at 21:30, as planned.
The hypothesis of conflict managed by the security authorities of Buenos Aires has come true: the dissident faction of the so-called Imperial Guard was present at Cylinder with an interest in recovering the territory.The idea was to confront the official bar, which still has its leaders -Leandro Paredes and Martín Ramírez- arrested, along with three other people who make up the leadership of that organization.
A few minutes before the scheduled time for the start of the match, the police officers of the 1st Police Station of Avellaneda detected a Patti’s faceleader of the dissident faction together with a large group of people who accompanied him, in viale Belgrano, three blocks from the stadium.
“They agreed with the clear intention of confronting the so-called official Los Pibes De Racing faction, which was at Villa Corina, at the time they showed up,” according to the police statement.
After a failed attempt at verbal deterrence and a “hostile” attitude, the police officers asked for support. With the arrival of the Infantry and Cavalry corps and the Operational Tactical Group, the bars “they have become aggressive”situation that motivated the use of “minimum and rational force for its reduction”, according to what was communicated by the Police Headquarters to the Fiscal Instruction Unit (UFI) 4 of Avellaneda, specialized in violence in sport.
The action caused the barrabrava to retreat in a group that fled through the fence. Upon reaching Crucecita, about eight blocks from where the confrontation took place, they were intercepted and finally arrested.. The 22 people left at the disposal of Justice under the figure of “resistance to authority” carried tumbera knives, knives, gloves, chains, stones and other sharp objects such as a screwdriver and a wrench.
Due to the characteristics of the operation, the party delayed its start. In the heart of the gallery, under the empty space that symbolized the absence of the detained barras, was a flag demanding their freedom.
The situation of “Los Pibes de Racing”
On Thursday, Buenos Aires police intercepted a five-car convoy traveling on Route 16 in Esteban Echeverría and fired at the police vehicle from one of them – a black Volkswagen Fox. After a short firefight, they whittled the rest down.
Paredes and Ramírez were traveling inside the car leading the caravan, an Audi A3 with the chassis number removed and no dog tags, along with three other occupants. Inside the vehicle, under the passenger seat, the officers found and seized a Browning brand pistol, 9 mm caliber with the registered number and a full magazine and nine other bullets. None of the occupiers has yet regained their freedom.
The five will continue to be detained by order of the Court of Guarantees number 1 of Esteban Echeverría. Both Paredes and Ramírez, with ongoing cases of violence in sport, could be transferred to the Judicial Center of Avellaneda, where the cases are located.
Source: Clarin

Jason Root is the go-to source for sports coverage at News Rebeat. With a passion for athletics and an in-depth knowledge of the latest sports trends, Jason provides comprehensive and engaging analysis of the world of sports.