Defendants. The specialized prosecutor for mass events of the city of Buenos Aires confirmed this Monday that the three footballers target of the scandalous incidents that occurred during the Super classic will remain under investigation. Regard Agostino Palavecinowhich started the conflict when he celebrated the goal of River in front of their rivals, e red frames with Luis Vazquez de Boca, who attended the widespread brawl on the playing field of the Monumental stadium.
The organization, responsible for celsa ramirez, initiated proceedings against Palavecino and Vázquez for inciting riots, under Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the City of Buenos Aires. For RedMeanwhile, the charge is to have entered without permission to reserved seats.
Palavecino’s canchereada provokes a real pitched battle which will end with a balance of seven expelled. River had the upper hand, because only one player on the pitch saw Herrera’s red card and obviously that was the former Atlético Nacional, who was responsible for the Superclásico scandal.
On Boca’s side, three players remained on the pitch: Miguel Merentiel, Ezequiel Fernandez and Nicolás Valentini. But the situation caused a real pitched battle and in the pineapples goes pineapples arrives even players who were not in the party call entered.
This was the case with red frameswhich from the delegation of Dr. Celsa Ramírez noted in the middle of the dispute over the video images.
Against Luis Vazquezthe point at issue was not his anger at a River employee in the middle of the brawl, but the gesture he made by reaching up with his right hand to rub his chest as he left the pitch when he was substituted nine minutes into the second time.
Accidents, false rumors and apocryphal merchandise
Moreover, nine fans were arrested due to incidents with the police in the vicinity of the stadium, another fan was also stopped for attempting to enter with a counterfeit entrance and has seven more in his possession.
There was also another episode that is being investigated, to which it is related three tourists They had counterfeit ticketsthat they allegedly paid in dollars and that were seen in flagrante delicto by the staff of the Judicial Investigative Corps (CIJ) of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which initiated the related proceeding, having consulted the Prosecutor’s Office.
Likewise, at the request of the prosecution, the CIJ carried out multiple operations and inspections in the vicinity of the stadium, related to the itinerant sale of foodstuffs and apocrypha, for which they seized more than 1700 items. Also, they carved more than 90 minutes for several infractions, among which the 82 of the art. 92 of the Contraventions Code, linked to the presence of machine assistant.
Interventions were also carried out to verify compliance with the permitted capacity inside the Monumental stadium, which was once again fully booked.
Source: Clarin

Jason Root is the go-to source for sports coverage at News Rebeat. With a passion for athletics and an in-depth knowledge of the latest sports trends, Jason provides comprehensive and engaging analysis of the world of sports.