Alejandro Szpigiel, injured pro-Atlanta journalist.
Once again an act of violence in Argentine football; the bars again. On this occasion the violent ones are the pseudo San Martín de Tucumán fans who attacked a group of Atlanta fans who were sharing a lunch before the game that will be played starting at 21:10.
Reports show that at least 15 violent men were the ones who broke into the rock where Atlanta fans and even some supporting journalists were shooting from several motorcycles. The result was two gunshot wounds, which would have been out of danger. One is the journalist Alejandro Szpigiel.
Atlanta journalist and leader Andrés Alaluf was one of the victims of the attack and recounted what he lived in TyC Sports. “We were at the home of the president of the Atlanta fans club in Tucumán with some fans, managers and reporters sharing a lunch. It is very hot in here which is why we open the garage door to let the air in. These 15 outlaws appeared on 8 motorcycles to shots and bottles. ‘Here we are screwed, from here they do not come out alive, with San Martín they are not screwed’, they said “Alaluf explained.
And followed: “One of them stole my Atlanta jersey and shot me less than a meter away. I thought my life ended there. I feel like I’m born again. We’ve been really bad. There is a journalist who was wounded by a bullet in the leg and the president of the fans’ club had his head opened with a bottle ”.
Rubén Moisello, president of San Martín, also spoke. “We learned about the attack through the media and made ourselves available to executives in Atlanta; We are sorry for everything that has happened. It happened in the San José neighborhood, one of the most dangerous in the city“assured Moisello. And he added “There will be no problems on the pitch, we can guarantee it. We have had no problems on our field for years”.
Soon, Atlanta leaders released a statement repudiating the acts.
“Club Atlético Atlanta repudiates the brutal attack to date on journalists supporting the club and members of the Peña Bohemios del Norte in San Miguel de Tucumán. They have been attacked by people identified with the colors of San Martin de Tucumán, who even have fired guns at the Peña Bohemios del Norte headquarters, a place where there were also boys and girls.
Following this violent attack, a partisan journalist who is hospitalized in a health center was injured in the foot.
At this moment, the leaders of the club present in the province are accompanying the group and the respective complaints have already been filed with the corresponding Police Headquarters.
Source: Clarin