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Tag: Egyptian

An Egyptian influencer will be tried for “awakening sexual instincts”

An Egyptian court announced today that a trial against the Egyptian model and influencer will take place on April 18 Say goodbye to Shimywho...

10 mummified crocodiles emerge from an Egyptian tomb

At first glance, you might think they're live crocodiles scurrying about in the mud.But the animals are mummies, possibly dead more than 2,500 years...

An Egyptian has died of ‘happy heart syndrome’ after Argentina’s World Cup victory

A Egyptian man dies of so-called 'happy heart syndrome'a rare heart problem that can develop in cases of 'immense happiness', as he celebrates Argentina's...

Finale for the “Mysterious Lady”? recompose the face of the Egyptian mummy that most fascinates scientists

The mummy of a woman, who may have been pregnant when she died, has both puzzled and fascinated archaeologists looking for clues to her...

Shocking Discovery: Scientists were studying an Egyptian mummy and discovered a strange cancer

According to researchers in Poland who are part of the Mummies of Warsaw project, a mysterious mummy of an ancient Egyptian woman, who may...