Tag: losers

Oscars 2023: who were the big winners and losers of the ceremony

There have been winners and losers, of course, at the Oscar ceremony. There were more of the latter than the former, for obvious...

Federal participation: winning and losing provinces based on the number of inhabitants

Last year, the provinces and the city of Buenos Aires (CABA) received on average $298,000 in actual transfers per capitaon behalf of the National...

Non-conventional wages: winning and losing sectors in 2022 and what will happen in 2023

The end of 2022 is approaching and companies are looking forced to budget wage increases for next year. Just as estimated inflation is...

Donald Trump, the big liar and his little loser liars

This year I got a little excited about voting.First, I went to the wrong neighborhood school, where a pollster looked...

Chiqui Tapia regains full control of Argentine football: winners, losers and what’s to come

Without repeating and without blowing, state the questionnaire to answer without taking more than two seconds to think. The first question goes.-Who is...