Tag: messina

The truth about Matteo Messina Denaro’s health: his chances of survival are “very limited”

The chances of survival colon cancer suffering Matthew Messina Moneythe Cosa Nostra mafia superboss captured on Monday, "are very limited".The...

Change of face and unsolved mystery: Cosa Nostra has lost its boss Matteo Messina and now what?

Matteo Messina Denaro, 60 years old, spends his first days after his capture in maximum security prison from L'Aquila, far from Sicily and 130...

The police inspect the hideout of Matteo Messina, Italy’s most wanted mafioso

Italian police raided the hideout of Italy's most wanted mafia godfather Matteo Messina Denaro early Tuesday morning, arrested on Monday in Palermo after 30...

They arrested Mattia Messina Denaro, Italy’s most wanted mafioso who has been on the run for 30 years

After 30 years on the runpersecuted as supreme head of the Sicilian mafia, Matteo Messina Denaro was captured this morning by the Italian carabinieri...