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Tag: Rate it

Banks enter the bond market and increase the rate and volume of “fixed terms”

Although the technical name is surety, in reality it is a fixed term that is stipulated on the stock exchange between private individuals. ...

Exchange rate tension: to deflate the pressure, the Central Bank raises the interest rate again

To limit the pressure on exchange rates, the Central Bank has once again put its hand on interest rates. This time, updated by...

Battery of measures to stop the dollar: they raise the interest rate for the banks

"The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic informs that from 18.01.2023 the rate for Reverse repurchase agreements with a duration of 1 business day...

The Central preferred to wait to lower the interest rate

After the 5.1% inflation in December reported by the INDEC, and as expected by the market, the Central Bank decided this Thursday to wait...

‘What he did best in 2022’: Carlos Casares producers explode in anger over steep increase in road tax

For years, a situation has been taking place in the Buenos Aires party of Carlos Casares that reflects the disagreements that usually exist between...

United States: The Federal Reserve raised the interest rate by half a point to 4.25-4.50% to contain inflation

The United States Federal Reserve (FED) increased the reference rate by half a percentage point to 4.25-4.50%the agency reported at the end of its...

Coronavirus in Brazil: the mortality rate exceeds 100% and Lula promises a vaccination campaign

The future Brazilian government of President-elect Lula da Silva plans to launch a vaccination campaign against Covid 19 in the midst of an exacerbation...

The rules of the rate: high yields in pesos put a ceiling on the blue dollar

The rise in pesos rates has been an effective tool for absorbing the demand for outstanding bills and lowering the pressure on alternative dollars....

A high rate and a dangerous debt complicate the Plan to Arrive from Massa

There is nothing new, or almost, in saying that Sergio Massa is a boy ambitiousfrom let's say flexible political codes and bet heavily. ...

Coincidences between inflation, devaluation and interest rate

OfFrancesco Gismondi Macroeconomic Director of Empiria Consultores. A very rare phenomenon is occurring, almost by chance, where the prices they determine the evolution of financial assets...

Light: the subsidies continue and only after the summer will there be the full rate

The suspension of the electricity tariff hike in September risks complicating the entire segmentation process and the forecast horizon for 2023. Energy Secretary Flavia...

The Fed has to wait a little longer to raise the rate

Of Joseph E. Stiglitz and Dean BakerThe US Federal Reserve Board (FED) will meet again on September 20 and 21, and while most analysts...