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Tag: tasting

Big Brother 2022: the celebration of Cata, Juan and Tora before the elimination of Agustín

This Sunday, Agustín was the eighth eliminated by the house of Big Brother with 76.47% of the votes and the former participants in the...

Cata, the seventh eliminated from Big Brother: “You can’t always hide it”

"I think mine was one of the best goodbyes so far," says Cata, the seventh eliminated from Big Brother 2022. Lower profile and less...

Cata revealed a controversial sexual practice of Agustín inside the “Big Brother” house.

María Laura "Cata" Álvarez, the seventh eliminated by Big Brotherhe was in the show's debate and revealed a controversial behavior he had Augustine inside...

After her departure from Big Brother, Cata clarified her statements about Agustín’s sexual orientation

Mary Laurabetter known as tastingquestioned Big Brother 2022 analysts after being expelled and spoke about her statements on the sexual orientation by Agustín, which...

Cata’s girlfriend told intimacy of the Big Brother participant

invited to THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 8pm) Solitude, the girlfriend of Mary Laura from Big Brother, he recounted the details of the...