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Tag: tubing

The gas pipeline to Vaca Muerta is underway: the government promises to finish it in June 2023

Argentina has one of the largest gas reserves in the world at Vaca Muerta, but I still can't fully enjoy it. It is...

The regasification ship has left the country and is not returning: the government is betting everything on the pipeline

He came and went first never to return. As with the first colds that are usually anticipated at the beginning of the winter...

Vaca Muerta gas pipeline: work begins and contracts are signed with Massa’s presence

Economy Minister Sergio Massa will make his first foray into an Energy project on Wednesday. He will go to Salliqueló, a city in...

Vaca Muerta gas pipeline: builders already defined

The construction of the gas pipeline that will connect Vaca Muerta with Buenos Aires is almost ready. The alliance between Techint and Sacde...

The Neuquén government will consult the Mapuche communities for the arrangement of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline

The Mapuche and Tehuelche communities of Neuquén will have a voice and vote in decisions which have to do with Argentina's economic prosperity. ...

Techint and Mindlin, winners in the construction of the Vaca Muerta gas pipeline

The alliance between Techint and Sacde (Marcelo Mindlin's construction company) has already made it left with a section in the construction of the gas...

Notebook entrepreneurs and other surprises in the pipeline work

The tender for the construction of the Nestor Kirchner gas pipeline was the first official act that fell to Minister Silvina Batakis. She...

Energy crisis: Russia has said it cannot guarantee the operation of the gas pipeline that supplies Europe

The Russian gas giant Gazprom said Wednesday could not guarantee the proper functioning of the Nord Stream pipelinewho supplies Europe, explaining that he does...

Vaca Muerta gas pipeline: the Government has signed the contract with Techint for the supply of the pipes

The government took the first step in building the tubing which will connect Vaca Muerta with Buenos Aires. Energía Argentina, the state company...

Doubts in the oil companies for the gas pipeline to Vaca Muerta

The pipeline that will connect Vaca Muerta with Buenos Aires is a priority for the government, according to its officials. However, the recent...

Sergio Massa defended the tender for the Vaca Muerta pipeline and assured that the works “will be completed on schedule”

The Speaker of the Chamber, Sergio Massa, defended this Tuesday the purchase of pipes from the Techint company for the construction of the gas...

What arrives in the pipeline: defining how Techint is paid and contracting the civil works

Construction of the gas pipeline that will connect Vaca Muerta with Buenos Aires took an unexpected turn on Friday: the Minister of Economy, Martín...