WhatsApp: what the numbers that young people use as secret codes mean

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The popular messaging service WhatsApp, used by more than 2,000 million users worldwide, saves various messages in its chats. secret codes which begin to assume more and more relevance in daily conversations, especially between young AND teenagers.

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This is to use numbers to express ideas or feelings towards the recipient of the message has arrived on TikTok and then it was extended to other platforms, and for some time now it has also begun to be implemented in the chat whatsapp. Therefore, centenarians often use the figures to communicate in their own code, far from the understanding of adults.

In this sense there is a figure that has a particular meaning when sent in chat and it is the “7642”. But there’s no need to worry too much about the meaning of this hidden code, since it’s a loving message and commonly appearing in conversations between friends, colleagues, and couples.

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Therefore, it is established among adolescents that when using the number “143” means “I love you”. While “1437” goes a little further: “I love you forever”.

(Photo: Reuters)

(Photo: Reuters)

Due to a particular code shared by those who use these digits, they ensure, in messages on social networks, that, according to the English language, the “1” represents “I (yo)”, the “4” is “love ( amo )”, the “3″ is “you (vos)” and the “7″, “forever (for always)”.

In just as many videos, the strength of the sentence contained in this increasingly popular issue is even played on, so much so that the advice given to anyone who wants to send it to someone is: “Send it to them without saying anything.”

As for “7642″, the number also has a meaning related to affection, but perhaps less direct than the popular 1437.

The origin of the meaning of this combination of numbers originated in TikTok. There are multiple user clips on this platform which ensure that this number means neither more nor less than “I will always be there for you”.

And it is also the teenagers themselves who explain the meaning of this number so that no one is excluded, and they also do it simply: “I will always be (7) (6) for (4) you (2 )”.

There are also those users who find some coincidence between the numbers “7642” and the words that each represents. For example, the word “always” has seven letters; “I will be”, with six; “for”, with four and “ti”, with two. Of course, the last number is distorted if the meaning is taken to River Plate Spanish, where the sentence representing the “7642” would be: “I will always be for you”.

What do the codes in WhatsApp mean?

WhatsApp hidden codes.

WhatsApp hidden codes.

But beyond these numbers, the messenger stores other types of hidden codes, such as the ability to use different formats when writing a message.

Although it is not yet possible to change the font, WhastApp allows through a series of commands to improve the texts by inserting bold, strikethrough and italics. For example, bold is enabled by typing between asterisks

Source: Clarin

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