In the last month, Objective laid off a huge number of workers, a wave associated with the global economic crisis of the tech giants. This situation has helped many of the people fired to talk about their experiences.
In the long squad of the unemployed, the stories that are now coming to light are striking. Many of the employees who were under Mark Zuckerberg’s command comment that, practically since they were drafted, they had no assigned duties.
Stories are grouped under the hashtag #metallayoff (Layoffs from Meta), and they take the opportunity to share their experiences in the staff of giants such as Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp on social networks.
This is the case with hksmashone of the many fired people who tells how he went from illusion to sadness and the good memories he keeps of all the colleagues who have suffered the same fate.
In a more decisive tone, Britney stressed via TikTok that the atmosphere in the company was “really strange”, a statement to which she added in a humorous tone that the company was dedicated “stick together like pokemon cards.”
The case of Madelyn Machado, a recruiter, is very striking. Since you, during the time you were in Meta, you never arrived hire no one. He says his job was to attend meetings with other recruiters who didn’t hire anyone.
Many of the workers had been hired during the pandemic, a period in which Meta was experiencing great growth, as the consumption of online content had become the order of the day and, therefore, there was plenty of money for everything.
Furthermore, Zuckerberg’s intention was to attract the maximum number of talents to his apps, many of whom worked for other competitors. To tempt them, they were offered higher salaries.
Many have confessed that they have had to struggle to find tasks to do since most of the time they had no assigned dutieswhich ended up causing a feeling of frustration.
The social networking company’s budgets were more than favourable, so the departments had enough money to hire the staff they needed, and some in reserve as well.
The other reason, surprising as it may seem, was to attract the talent of its competitors, even if they did not have an active role within the company, that is, even if they did not work.
The vision offered by Meta
Zuckerberg’s statements a few days ago contrast with what has been said. According to the creator of Facebook, internal analysis of Meta’s data suggests that engineers who joined the company in person performed better than those who did it remotely.
However, there was no mention of his former employees’ comments. The company, however, appears to be taking a major turnaround in response to its past moves. In addition to the massive cuts, he closed about 5,000 positions that were open.
His measures would also include asking bosses to work harder, promoting a new hot desking model and streamlining the chain of command.
Source: Clarin

Linda Price is a tech expert at News Rebeat. With a deep understanding of the latest developments in the world of technology and a passion for innovation, Linda provides insightful and informative coverage of the cutting-edge advancements shaping our world.