Home Technology Warren Buffett has compared artificial intelligence to the atomic bomb: because he says it will change everything

Warren Buffett has compared artificial intelligence to the atomic bomb: because he says it will change everything

Warren Buffett has compared artificial intelligence to the atomic bomb: because he says it will change everything

THE artificial intelligence (AI) and the many tools that exist have their lovers and their detractors. Industry experts often warn of the dangers of this technology evolving out of control, and some countries have even banned the use of platforms such as ChatGPT.

The latest to be asked about the capabilities of AI was the 92-year-old legendary investor, Warren Buffet. CEO of Berkshire Hathaway likened artificial intelligence to the invention of the atomic bombadding that while he hopes AI will “change everything in the world,” he doesn’t think it will surpass human intelligence.

In an interview of CNBCBefore his company’s annual meeting, Buffet spoke on artificial intelligence. He likened this technology to the atomic bomb, as it has always manifested itself opponent of this type of weapons. In his argument he emphasized that despite the fact that the creation of the atomic bomb was crucial during the Second World War, its launch he unleashed a power that changed everything.

“We invented for very, very good reasons, the atomic bomb. And, during WWII, it was hugely important that we did. But is it good for the world’s next 200 years that the capability it unleashed?” mused the banker.

What does Warren Buffett think about artificial intelligence

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett at a national conference a few years ago.  Photo: AP

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett at a national conference a few years ago. Photo: AP

In the interview, Buffett expressed that “it’s a bit strange but the AI ​​can’t tell you which stocks to buy. It can identify every stock that meets certain criteria, or tell me some criteria in 3 seconds. But definitely has limitations in some respects”. He also added that his friend and founder of Microsoft, Bill Gateshe explained how ChatGPT worked and that he had tested the application.

Buffett partner, charlie mungeralso present at the interview, he underlined that this technology has the ability to “translate the Constitution into Spanish in a second, but it cannot tell jokes”.

“I asked him to tell a joke about Warren and Crypto. He read all the books and saw it all on TV, but he couldn’t,” Munger explained. Are you going to break away from the human race?’ I want to know what he responds to and pull the plug before he does,” he joked.

Buffet was clear in his speeches. He pointed out that there will be much more robotics in the world but remains skeptical before some AI “exaggerations”. The famous investor continues to trust human intelligence and was forceful in stating that it is not technology that takes away opportunities.

“We will see a lot more robotics in the world. Personally, I am skeptical of some of the hype around artificial intelligence. I think old-fashioned intelligence works pretty wellhe said. He also added that while he hopes AI will “change everything in the world,” he doesn’t believe it will surpass human intelligence.

“New things coming in don’t take away from opportunities. What gives you opportunities is other people doing stupid things. In the 58 years we’ve been running Berkshire, I would say there has been a huge increase in the number of people doing stupid things , and they do great nonsense,” he concluded.

(Photo: Reuters)

(Photo: Reuters)

Buffett’s statements are broadly in line with what was recently declared by Geoffrey Hintonand recognized in the industry for being “the godfather of artificial intelligence”.

Hinton, a former employee of Google, has resigned to freely and openly express his opinion on the need to stop this uncontrolled race that is taking place in the field of artificial intelligence.

“I don’t think it should be applied on a large scale until they figure out if they can control it,” said one of the pioneers in developing these technologies.

Source: Clarin


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