Home World News They spy inside the lead sarcophagus found in Notre Dame and open it to reveal its mystery

They spy inside the lead sarcophagus found in Notre Dame and open it to reveal its mystery

They spy inside the lead sarcophagus found in Notre Dame and open it to reveal its mystery

They spy inside the lead sarcophagus found in Notre Dame and open it to reveal its mystery

French authorities have announced the opening of the lead sarcophagus located beneath the central nave of Notre Dame, the symbol of Paris’s cathedral. Photo: AFP

The lead sarcophagus found last month, in March 2022, in the bowels of the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral during reconstruction works after the fire in April 2019, will be opened by archaeologists who specialize in the history of the temple to reveal its secret.

The vestiges were found at the very intersection of the transept with the magnificent central nave of the Gothic temple, next to the hand carved in stone.

Notre Dame burned down the entire roof structure on April 15, 2019, and as part of rebuilding work, a large scaffolding about 100 meters high at that intersection.

The lead sarcophagus found in the transept of Notre Dame Cathedral.  Photo: AFP

The lead sarcophagus found in the transept of Notre Dame Cathedral. Photo: AFP

This scaffolding will serve reinstall the temple spire.It was to guarantee the hardness of the soil, about 100 square meters, that the excavations began.

These investigations uncovered an entire network of underground heating, 19th century. In these pipes, made of brick, appeared the anthropomorphic sarcophagus, whose lead appears to have been deformed by the weight of the soil and rocks, the journalists confirmed.

The sarcophagus was found next to some brick pipes of a 19th century heating system. But it is believed to be older, possibly 14th century.

The sarcophagus measures 1.95 meters long and 48 centimeters wide.  Photo: AFP

The sarcophagus measures 1.95 meters long and 48 centimeters wide. Photo: AFP

Scientists have already looked inside the sarcophagus using an endoscope cameraexposing the upper part of a skeleton, a cushion of leaves, perhaps hair, fabrics, and dry organic matter.

The sarcophagus, that is measuring 1.95 meters in length48 centimeters wide, it was removed from the cathedral on Tuesday, France’s National Institute for Archaeological Research INRAP said at a news conference.

So far is in a safe place and will be sent “soon” to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in the southwestern city of Toulouse. Forensic experts and scientists will then open the sarcophagus and analyze its contents. to identify gender of skeleton and former health status, says lead archaeologist Christophe Besnieradded that carbon dating technology could be used.

They also hope to determine the social rank of the deceased. Given the location and style of the funeral, they probably did among the elite of his timeand your name may appear on the diocese’s funeral register.

Archaeologists have unearthed hand -carved stones buried in Notre Dame Cathedral.  Photo: AFP

Archaeologists have unearthed hand -carved stones buried in Notre Dame Cathedral. Photo: AFP

A few meters away, at the foot of the Notre-Dame choir, archaeologists are constantly trying to discover another important find: the remnants of an old jube or high choira stone or wooden structure which, in cathedrals, separates the chancel from the rest of the church.

Archaeologists are working inside Notre Dame, with an impressive giant scaffolding on which the cathedral reconstruction works are based.  Photo: AFP

Archaeologists are working inside Notre Dame, with an impressive giant scaffolding on which the cathedral reconstruction works are based. Photo: AFP

The jube is a chorus stone, decorated with carved figures, which for centuries has separated the chorus from the rest of the nave. The Notre Dame was built in 1230 and destroyed at the beginning of the 18th century.

The Catholic Church has changed its liturgy over the centuries, and that jube, which separates believers from office, has lost its meaning, experts explain. As was often the case, the stones were reused in the same task.

French Culture Minister Roselyne Bachelot inspects work at Notre Dame: Photo: AFP

French Culture Minister Roselyne Bachelot inspects work at Notre Dame: Photo: AFP

They also found bust of a bearded man Y carved vegetables, with the remnants of the paint from which they were created.

“Discovering this sarcophagus will allow us to better understand the skills and funeral ceremonies“from the Middle Ages, explained García, president of the National Institute of Archaeological Research.

They were not the first human deposits found at Notre Dame, which since its erection has served cemeteryespecially those responsible for the temple, or religious personalities.

An aerial view of Notre Dame, undergoing reconstruction.  Photo_ AFP

An aerial view of Notre Dame, undergoing reconstruction. Photo_ AFP

“It’s a great feeling, this cathedral represents the entire history of Parisand to see yourself in the face of these traces is very wonderful ”, declared the Minister of Culture, Roselyne Bachelotat the foot of the sarcophagus in March.

notre-dame began construction in 1163, and the works lasted two centuries. In the mid-19th century, the architect Viollet-Le-Duc led a major reconstruction, furnishing the façade with its famous gargoyles and the spire that crowned the roof.

Experts must hurry, because until March 25 they will only dig. Then the rebuilding of the roof must proceed, so that the cathedral can be reopened to the public in 2024explained the person in charge of the task, retired general Jean-Louis Georgelin.

Source: Clarin


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