Horoscope: Recommended foods based on your zodiac sign

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Just like ours Zodiac sign it determines our personality traits, our strengths and weaknesses and also defines the way we approach life what foods should we eat in benefit of our health.

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For astrology, based on our date of birth we have a Zodiac sign which identifies us, which is the most powerful indicator of who we are and what are ours innate characteristics.

East sign It is fixed by the position of the Sun at the exact moment we arrived in the world and marks our characteristics for life.

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Astrology and food: what to eat according to your sign

A horoscope is a interpretation that, in the course of history, some cultures have given their present and their future. Although there are about a dozen horoscopes, among others Maya or Hindus, the best known among us is the western.

When it comes to recommended foods for each zodiac signwe must understand well that this is linked to the knowledge of popular culture since there is, to date, no scientific study that supports this information, it indicates bestconsalud.as.com.

What are the recommended foods according to your horoscope?

Aries. From 21 March to 20 April. Fire sign. Passionate and energetic, they love movement and it is very difficult to keep them still. In this way, generally, they do not tend to gain weight too much or too quickly.

Yes, they love sweets. Therefore, to reduce consumption, promote the elimination of liquids and maintain adequate intestinal health, it is recommended that eat fruit, especially orange, mandarin, grapefruit, watermelon and melon. The raw vegetables They are also a great option.

Bull. From April 21st to May 21st. Earth sign. They enjoy good food and the great pleasures of life. Not very exercise lovers and lovers of tranquility, they are usually quite sedentary, so they must be careful to avoid overweight and gastrointestinal problems.

In this case, indicate the site, what is recommended for them is to consume whole foods, grains and vegetables to help control their appetite and, when possible, avoid fatty meats and highly processed sweets.

Twins. From May 22nd to June 21st. Air sign. In general, they are hyperactive and very changeable, which is why clutter characterizes their meals. First of all, the important thing is to establish hiring schedules and stick to them.

Its weak point is the lungs. Therefore, it is essential to add to the diet foods that provide iron, calcium and vitamin C. In this sense, it is ideal to consume dishes based on meats, salads and seeds.

Cancer. From 22 June to 22 July. Water sign. They are extremely sensitive, which also affects how they eat, which can often be influenced by their moods.

As indicated bestconsalud.as.com, this sign has to take care of his nervous system as his natives usually suffer from anxiety, digestive disorders and fluid retention. Advice: consume crunchy and fresh vegetables, fruits and legumes. The dairy products they are great for you. It is advisable to avoid flour-based products and spicy sauces.

Leo. From 23 July to 22 August. Fire sign. They also like to play sports and move around. That’s why your menu should be designed to provide them with everything they need to pay off the effort.

They love meat, but it’s the simple low cholesterol foods that will keep their hearts in good shape. In this sense they have to choose lean meats and fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins C and E. When it comes to avoiding food, they should opt for coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, and butter.

Virgin. From 23 August to 22 September. Earth sign. The neat and methodical of the zodiac, as they may have a certain tendency to suffer from gastric problems, generally prefer to eat healthy.

It is recommended to start the day with a healthy breakfast, with fresh fruit and foods rich in fiber. In the rest of the meals, they should keep their energy very high, eat potatoes, cooked vegetables, carrots, eggs and fish. A tip: stay away from red meat and coffee.

Pound. From 23 September to 22 October. Air sign. They love to maintain a balanced lifestyle and be healthy. But they also love good food, and the kidneys are usually their most sensitive spot.

For this they have to consume a lot water and infusions chamomile, lemon balm or lime to help eliminate toxins. healthy home made foodlean meats, fresh fruit and vegetables, yogurt and light cheeses– Favor them. They should avoid processed and heavy foods.

scorpio From 23 October to 22 November. water sign Energetic and passionate, they are the hottest of the zodiac. That’s why, even if they’re not good for them, they love spicy and not too processed foods. They must be avoided!

First, they have to order their meals, which costs them a lot. Your ideal diet should include legumes, vegetables (especially asparagus, leeks and artichokes) dishes with defatted meats and fresh fruit. Salt and junk food off the menu.

Sagittarius. From 23 November to 21 December. Fire sign. They love risk, are bold, and are always willing to try and try new things. And this also applies to your table.

Since their weak point is the hips and thighs, they should avoid fatty and fried foods. It is better to eat steamed foods, eggs and lean meats.

Capricorn. From December 22nd to January 20th. Earth sign. Organized, routine and very tenacious, they are the most classic of the zodiac. So, they don’t bother repeating the same food over and over again; and when it comes to preferences, they choose hot and savory dishes.

The biggest weakness of Capricorns is their bones and teeth, so they need them foods rich in calcium and magnesium. The advice is to consume dairy products – milk, yogurt and cheese -, jelly, many vegetables and nuts.

Acquarium. From January 21 to February 19. Air sign. Free spirit, Aquarians are generous by nature and always seek harmony in themselves and their environment.

According to the site, natives of this sign need to take great care of their circulatory system and their pancreas. Therefore, on your table there must be as well as dishes based on chicken, turkey, fish and dairy products raw or cooked cereals and vegetables. When it comes to saying no, they should do it with sugars, refined flours, pre-cooked foods, and sodas.

Fish. From February 20 to March 20. Water sign. Understanding and always attentive to the needs of others, they love to share meals, drinks and long after meals. But be careful, because they have a tendency to gain weight almost without realizing it.

To avoid this, it is best to start the day with a hearty breakfast and end it with light dinners. In your diet you should include dairy products, vegetables, fruits and seafood. In addition, it is advisable to avoid fatty meats, highly seasoned foods and reduce alcohol consumption.

Source: Clarin

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