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Day of the Dead 2022: why is it celebrated in November and what is its meaning?

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Each 1 and 2 Novemberespecially in Mexico, the Day of the Dead is celebrated.

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Synthesis of indigenous and Christian traditions. Far from lamenting the loss of loved ones on this day death is “celebrated”. How? Yes, it is a day to share a moment with all those who are not here but who are still very present in our affection.

Although due to its proximity in the calendar to Halloween, it is usually associated with that celebration, little and nothing has to do with it these holidays.

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Day of the Dead: why is it celebrated on November 1st and 2nd?

The celebration of Day of death It takes place on November 1st and 2nd as it is divided into categories, indicate from the official website of the Mexican government.

«According to the Catholic calendar, November 1st corresponds to All Saints’ Day, the day dedicated to “little dead” or childrenand on November 2 to the Faithful Dead, that is to the Adults“, they detail.

What is the origin of the Day of the Dead?

For pre-Hispanic cultures, death was the beginning of the journey towards “Mictlan”something that means in the Nahuatl language “Place where the dead live”.

There in Mictlan, unlike what the Christian religion proposes, there are no moral connotations of hell or heaven.

However, to reach it, the dead had, for four years, to undergo various tests which they found in different levels of the underworldto finally arrive at the place of his eternal rest.

When the conquerors arrived, Christianity introduced indigenous culture “the terror of death and hell”.

However, the evangelizers were forced to give in to the strong convictions of the indigenous and, in this way, a fusion of Spanish and indigenous customs which started what is now known as the day of the feast of the dead.

For the Catholic churchthe days to honor the dead are November 1st and 2nd, All Saints and the feast of the deadrespectively.

However, for those who follow the indigenous customsthe celebration begins in the last week of October and ends on the first days of November.

What is celebrated on the Day of the Dead?

The Day of death – also called All Souls’ Day – is a day in which homage and thanks are paid to the deceased.

In Mexicoin particular, death is seen as one more step in lifefor which we celebrate and honor those who are no longer on this plane by accompanying us daily.

Everyone is remembered with images, music, dances and stories, and so, according to tradition, their souls remain alive.

Each family lives it in its own wayfor this reason they welcome their loved ones in a special way, and there are also many who even decide to go to the cemetery to bring them offerings, songs, joy or to light a candle in their honor.

What are the symbols of the Day of the Dead

Banquets. To celebrate the arrival of their deceased loved ones, a banquet is set up with their favorite food and drink as an offering. There could be alcohol, chocolate, sweets, and cigarettes. There is also no shortage of traditional Mexican cuisine: Pan de Muerto, Alfeñique tacha dessert, tamales, Mole, champurrado, tejocote candies and seasonal fruit.

Altars. They are the heart of the celebration and every family does it at home or in the cemetery where the loved one they are going to host is buried. It has the portrait of that person, it is decorated with colored confetti and it has candles, incense, Pan de Muerto, fruit, water, salt, mezcal, tequila, sugar skulls, sweets and Mexican food.

skulls. They are representations of deceased relatives. Skulls made of sugar or chocolate and often consumed by children after the celebration are an example of the Mexican ability to celebrate death.

Catrina. She is a skull lady dressed in traditional skirts and dresses and a wide-brimmed hat. It is said that the famous muralist Diego Rivera was the one who ended up catapulting her to her fame, when he portrayed her in her famous work “Dream about a Sunday afternoon in Alameda Central “work in which he also painted himself and Frida Kahlo.

Source: Clarin

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