The eye diseases These are problems that can go unnoticed, cause minor eye discomfort and even, if not treated in time, trigger serious problems such as vision loss.
The more commonaccording to a study by the Opeluce Eye Clinic, they manifest themselves through a series of symptoms such as:
- blurred vision
- Spots
- glow in the night
- Eye fatigue
- Dry eyes
However, it is not always easy to identify them, so it is advisable to have a personalized consultation with a healthcare professional who specializes in the subject.
The 6 most common eye diseases
1) Color blindness or dyschromatopsia
It’s a I disturb which is based on the difficulty distinguishing some colors, such as blue, red and green. The manifestations range from total color blindness to the altered perception of color in which some shades cannot be differentiated.
The lack of color vision is hereditary and is passed on with a dominant trait in males, so the condition occurs in the 8% of men. Of all eye diseases, it is very rare in women, with less than 1%.
2) Myopia
Myopia is caused by a refractive error produced by a excessive elongation in the shape of the eyeball, although it may also be the result of atypical corneal formation. The rays of light are focused right in front of the retina, rather than directly on it.
The feature of this disease is that the patient he sees badly from afar, but very good up close. It is considered a progressive defect in childhood, so frequent change in lens size is required in school-age children and adolescents. It usually stabilizes around the age of 20.
Myopia is a visual defect that in most cases is successfully corrected with laser surgery. For those patients who are not candidates for laser surgery, there is another surgical option called phakic lens implantation or ICL lens.
3) Astigmatism
When a person has astigmatism, light rays cannot focus on a single point on the retina, causing blurred vision. It is the most frequent refractive error, and is a major cause of headaches and eye fatigue, as the patient sees out of focus far and near.
Unlike myopia, the variations in lens measurement for the treatment of astigmatism are small and may even decrease in some patients. Correction is done with special glasses or contact lenses. Laser surgery is also a good option in these cases.
4) Conjunctivitis
The conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases, both in children and adults, characterized by a inflammation of the conjunctiva. This is a mucous membrane that lines the surface of the eye and the inside of the eyelids.
The conjunctiva is protected by the lacrimal gland, which Helps eliminate germs and external agents. When this protection is not enough, conjunctivitis occurs. Inflammation can be caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria, allergens, contact lenses, or even chemicals.
Conjunctivitis can occur in one or both eyes and usually occurs acutely and with discharge. While it does not pose a serious threat to your visual health, if not treated properly it can damage the cornea and leave consequences for your vision.
5) Cataract
Cataracts are one opacity of the normal transparency of the lens. People with cataracts experience a similar sensation to looking through a fogged or frosted window.
Signs and symptoms of cataracts include: blurred or blurred vision, increased difficulty seeing at night, sensitivity to light and glare, need for brighter light for reading and other activities, frequent changes in eyeglass or lens prescription on contact, loss of the ability to recognize colors or see everything in a yellowish hue and double vision in one eye.
The treatment of cataracts is surgical, the intervention is very simple and the vast majority of patients only need topical anesthesia (drops) and respect the indications in the healing process.
6) Dry eye
Dry eye syndrome or dry eye is generated by a poor tear production or due to excessive evaporation. This condition is usually progressive and can cause eye discomfort, eye problems and, in some cases, lesions on the ocular surface.
Being a multifactorial and chronic condition, it is important that it is addressed in a personalized way in each patient, according to its cause and severity. In most cases, if you go to an ophthalmological consultation in time, it can be successfully treated.
Source: Clarin