Home World News Burger King removes an advertising campaign from the streets for its religious phrases: the controversy on the networks

Burger King removes an advertising campaign from the streets for its religious phrases: the controversy on the networks

Burger King removes an advertising campaign from the streets for its religious phrases: the controversy on the networks

Burger King removes an advertising campaign from the streets for its religious phrases: the controversy on the networks

One of the Burger King posters that caused controversy in Spain. Photo: Twitter

Burger King had to withdraw an advertising campaign from the streets of Spain after thousands network users They will shout to heaven. Why? Because it contains biblical phrases and was only released at Easter.

“Take all of them and eat. That it has no meat ”, can be read in a street poster posted by the famous fast food company. There Burger King quoted a Bible verse (Matthew 26:26) to sell its medallion to those who preferred not to eat meat.

In another you will read “carne de mi carne” with the words “meat” crossed out and replaced with “vegetables”.

There are many Christians, including Jorge Buxade, from the Vox political party, expressed their dissatisfaction with the move. “I do not want to see the logos of multinationals in vain belittling our faith and the traditions of thousands of Spaniards,” the politician wrote.

The polemic poster.  Photo: Twitter

The polemic poster. Photo: Twitter

“I was one of his first customers at his store on Calle Tetuán in Madrid. About 40 years ago. He is loyal to Burger King. Let them know that I will never be back, neither me nor my family. There are things to think about before doing. Goodbye ”, someone said on Twitter.

Burger King reacted quickly and when he saw the chaos caused by his campaign, he apologized and announced that they would remove the posters from the streets.

Another company poster.  Photo: Twitter

Another company poster. Photo: Twitter

“We apologize to everyone who felt resentment at our campaign aimed at promoting our vegetable products at Easter. Our intention was never to hurt anyone and the immediate withdrawal of the campaign has been requested, ”they wrote on the brand’s official Twitter account.

Burger King's apology.  Photo: Twitter

Burger King’s apology. Photo: Twitter

Under Burger King’s tweet, there was an endless debate about the controversy that caused the company to shrink.

Many supported the proposal, but too many others opposed Burger King’s decision and took the opportunity to criticize the Catholic Church. Some even remember that the company did something similar to other religions. Obviously, there are meme makers as well.

“I am saddened that you made this decision for the four thin -skinned sects that first appealed to ‘free speech’ and ‘the glass generation.’ A vegan burger for the Good Friday tradition, a huge offense! ”, Declared for example one user.

“We don’t want you to take it back, but extend it to other religions, so we all laugh. There’s a lot of freedom of expression but then you lack the balls to use it, ”one second tweeted.

Source: Clarin


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