Waning moon: two powerful rituals of abundance and energy purification

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The Moon has a doubt effect on ours BodyOur rejoice and about what surrounds us. Each night, its journey through the sky influences the tides, crops and the organism in a different way.

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Indeed, such is its power, that the most ancient civilizations have organized theirs holidays, timetables and calendars based on her and her influence.

The “lady of the night”, as it is often called, represents the principle of the feminine, fertility and the deepest emotions. Because of its constant changes, it symbolizes periodic irregularity and also multiplicity.

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Is that we can see the permanents lunar mutations: appears, grows, reaches its fullness, decreases and disappears again.

And every movement responds to phasewith its characteristics and its particular power: New moon, Crescent moon, full moon Y falling moon (or descending).

What does the waning moon mean?

As we said, each phase of the moon he has his own own – and only – meaning. This is why it is important to know its characteristics in order to be guided when it comes to finding balance, feeling fulfilled and avoiding frustration.

The second half of the lunar cycle – from the full moon, where it will start diminish– is called the “dark” fortnight. and will be able to do things where it is needed decrease, reduce, cut or terminate.

After the Full Moon phase, the one of greatest expansion, creativity and concreteness, with the falling moon comes a period of reflection inward, from quietfrom not making decisions or starting projects.

It’s a moment of debugfrom cleanfrom to organize and preparing the soil to be fertile and productive in the next stage.

It’s an end of the cycle, a time of closure and, at the same time, prepare yourself for a new set of experiences. Ongoing projects must be completed; otherwise they have is in danger of disappearing.

During falling moon we have less vitality, less energy to face things. However, the colours, smells, tastes and medicinal properties of the plants are enhanced.

So to receive all new that next lunationwe must be prepared “clean ourselves” of bad habits and attitudes that limit us.

These are days to evolve spiritually and to develop our consciousness. Here, two rituals to do it.

Ritual of the waning moon to clean the house and attract abundance

As we said, the falling moon It’s time to purify, to clarify. And so, get ready to let in the new good.

The first phase of this ritual consists precisely in this. Taking advantage of any of the 3 days I’m there falling moon It’s important tidy dishes and drawers, and get rid of what we don’t use.

Having done that, we will use salt -symbol of abundance and wealth- take advantage of this energy of renewal.

To begin with, let’s dissolve 3 handfuls of coarse salt (it can also be pink) in a liter of water. With this preparation we are going to clean the surfaces on which we work and on which we frequently carry out activities (the kitchen counter, for example).

Once finished we are going to spray this liquid in every corner of the house, taking care to do it well behind the doors and, even if blocked by a piece of furniture, it is important to make it flow and do it.​

If we have any water left, we throw it on the floor or in a place where it can flow, such as the bathroom or kitchen.​

Finally, we light a yellow candle and imagine ourselves surrounded by a golden aura for a few minutes. Finally, we affirm “Thanks thanks thanks”.​

Ritual of the waning moon to purify and renew energy

For this rite we prepare an altar with a white candle, a glass of water and lemon incense.

On a sheet of white paper we write down all the habits, fears or customs that we believe prevent us from moving forward and everything we intend to do in the next lunation. We put the card next to the candle.​

We light the incense and the candle. We close our eyes, imagine ourselves getting rid of all the negative and happy doing everything that we set out on paper. When we finish the visualization we state: “Thanks thanks thanks”.

When the candle goes out, we burn the paper and throw the water on the ground or in a pot.​

Source: Clarin

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