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The vegetable that reduces cholesterol and helps you lose weight

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While there are no magical foods, including the broccoli to the diet can be very useful for its multiple properties. It is a vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it helps to reduce high cholesterol and can to promote weight loss.

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​According to the MedlinePlus website, cholesterol is a waxy substance needed in moderate amounts to formation of cells, hormones and vitamin D in the body. The body is responsible for producing everything it needs, however, excessive consumption of foods or products high in saturated and trans fats can raise levels of this component and lead to disease.

Health professionals insist that the best way to prevent any kind of health problem is to follow a healthy, balanced eating plan that contains foods from all food groups. To this habit must be added the practice of frequent physical activity and night rest.

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Benefits of broccoli

1. Helps The Cardiovascular System: the contribution of broccoli in C vitamin contributes to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. A study conducted by researchers at the South Korean University of Ulsan has shown that heart failure is related to low levels of vitamin C in the body.

2. Beneficial for bone system: The 56 milligrams of soccer contents per 100 grams of broccoli, according to data from the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition (FEN), contribute to the correct maintenance of bones and are particularly important in the diet of people who cannot consume dairy products or, in phases such as menopause, as a supplement to milk consumption.

3. Helps Prevent Cancer: the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) considers one of the molecules present in broccoli, sulforaphane, as a potent anticancer agent.

4. Fight Constipation: Digestive system experts recommend eating 20 to 25 grams of fiber per day to promote intestinal transit. According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, broccoli provides about 2.6 grams of fiber for every 100 grams of this vegetable, which means that a normal serving represents 20% of the recommended daily amount.

5. Ideal During Pregnancy: its rich content of folic acid, protein, calcium, antioxidants, fiber and phosphorus make it a highly recommended food for consumption during pregnancy.

6. An ally for the eyes: the nutrients contained in broccoli, such as e.g zeaxanthin and beta-caroteneas well as the Vitamin A, make it a good ally for eye health, as it prevents muscle degeneration, the appearance of cataracts and damage from UV radiation.

7. It Is High In Fiber And Low In Calories: It is essential for people who want to lose weight and is also consumed by patients with diabetes.

8. Regulates Blood Cholesterol Levels: Its high antioxidant content helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood and increase good ones, provided that its consumption is accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet.

Source: Clarin

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