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Full Moon in Gemini in December 2022: its effects on each zodiac sign

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The next full moon occurs in Gemini December 8, 2022 at 1:08 in Argentina and Chile; at 5:08 in Spain; December 7 at 10:08 PM in Mexico, Costa Rica and Dallas; and 11:08 pm in Colombia, Ecuador, Miami and New York.

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The popularly called “ice moon”, “cold moon” or even the “Long Nights Moon”, it is the last full moon of autumn in the northern hemisphere; spring, in the southern hemisphere; as well as the last full moon of 2022.

The tense full moon will occur in Grade 16 Gemini in exact conjunction with the “malefic” Mars to the Moon. This location coincides with small “beneficial” events and portends a very little “benign” situation..

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Mars, united to the Moon – of which he is an enemy – and facing the Sun, will be in his closest approach to Earthwhich for the astrological tradition means that in the next fortnight (just until the new moon) we can expect rain in all those places where the lunation is angular.

Full Moon in Gemini: What does it mean?

Twins it is a sign of Air, changeable, masculine, hot and humid, the diurnal domicile of Mercury, a planet associated with commerce and information.

It’s a double sign, even its expression is double: many times it means more than one thing. Its effects generate instabilitythey cause changes while creating a file general atmosphere of nervousness and denote doubts, contradictions and uncertainties.

Mercury is the planet associated with reasoning and the conversationbut also, with the misdeeds and the thieves.

Says the medieval astrologer ben ragel: “He loves books and accounts, he prides himself on mastery, on beautiful reasons, on writing histories, on versifying, on books and on science”.

And further on, referring to the same planet, he indicates: “He’s a liar, an informer, a gossip, subtle and knowledgeable of deceptive tricks”.

Depending on where and how that energy is directed, it could be expressed as a great teacher, communicator or writer, but also as a vulgar imposter or crook.

Full moon: good and evil

The moon, full of light, disturbs souls, makes reason lose ground and unleashes emotions; For this reason it is a very favorable period for creativity, for romantic dates, for anything that requires a certain visibility and, of course, for reap the fruits of all that has been done throughout the cycle that began with the new moon.

The full moon tends towards socialization and extroversion. It’s a great time to “show”advertise, meet friends and have fun.

But the full moon also has a reputation for incite violenceand accidents and emotional crimes. The body tends to change more easily and headaches and migraines are typical of this phase.

Full Moon in Gemini in December 2022: the effect of the “out of bounds” planets

In the previous note we commented that during this full moon we would also find many off-limits planetsi.e. “extra-limited”.

Off-limits planets are away from the path of the sun. This has to do with the planet moving beyond the maximum chance of seeing the Sun rise or set on the horizon.

The forbidden planets are no longer under the guidance of the Sun, the organizing principle, consequently, deviates from its normal expression; that becomes exaggerated, unusual, unconventional or unexpected.

This can sometimes manifest as a inappropriate behavior, extreme or if you want extraordinary. We may witness many surprises during this time.

Impact on Mars out of bounds

Among the off-limits planets there is Marswhich is, at its closest moment to earth, retrograde and exactly configured with the luminaries, that means that its impact will be felt.

Mars out of bounds is very powerful and can be dangerous. You can underline the conflictsthe tensionsthe pulses, especially to those signs where you are sending downsides: the second decan of the mutable signs, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces.

The signs of Fire (Leo and Aries) and those of Air (Aquarius and Libra) will receive it instead energy in beneficial aspectwhich can be translated into physical endurance and vitality, willpower and passion, adventure and daring and leadership skills.

Gemini, where Mars transits, receive this energy completelywhich also represents tension and difficulty.

Within the aspects of the Tradition, there are some hidden references referring to the solstice axis, the “antiscia”which we should not ignore on this occasion.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis, especially the 2nd decan, should also hold Precautions during this lunation because you can sync up for them tension, violence and extraordinary circumstances.

Since Mars is the ruler of Aries and Scorpio, is exalted in Capricorn, which means that in these signs the red planet is very important, so it is very likely that they are also affected by their movement. Tranquility, moderate physical activity and contact with nature are recommended.

For all signs we can wait a bit fatigue, frustrations leading to wrong actions discord, accidents, projects that do not go ahead and temporary jobs.

Be wary of anger and the irrational reactionsresentments, with malicious actions and aggressive words (typical of Mars in Gemini) that turn into resentment, revenge and anger.

Anger and impatience can lead to accidents, cuts, fevers, inflammations or muscle problems.

We’ll have to rethink our reactions. Martian energy can frustrate us as things will not develop as we had planned and circumstances or people can be a challenge or a provocation, disrespectful.

we can try start other businesses or take new directions that we hadn’t previously considered.

The influence of Jupiter, the greatest beneficial

A special mention deserves Jupiter in transit in the last degree of his nocturnal domicile, Fishto finally re-enter Aries on December 21, 2022, crossing it quickly since on May 17, 2023 it enters Taurus.

Jupiter is the so-called “great beneficent” and its transits – especially in conjunction – when they pass through a certain sign, are generally favorable moments, of positive attitudes towards life, they are generally opportunities, it favors studies, relationships, travel, as long as they are well expected.

So say goodbye to Pisces up to the age of 12, take advantage of the return of Aries and get ready for a period of progress for Taurus, but remember that you will have to work for things to happen: “Help yourselves, and I will help you”, says the Bible.

Transit of Venus

Venus enters Capricorn on December 10th. The transit of Venus in the sign of Capricorn promotes the expression of affection serious and busy.

The kindness and sweetness of Venus in the sign of prudence and reflection makes feelings deep and lasting. Another effect of this transit will be connected with the economywhere they can appear interesting proposals for growth and change.

Source: Clarin

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