Home World News TSE approves Lula and Alckmin bills, paves the way for diplomacy

TSE approves Lula and Alckmin bills, paves the way for diplomacy

TSE approves Lula and Alckmin bills, paves the way for diplomacy

The TSE (Supreme Electoral Court) unanimously approved the campaign accounts of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and vice-president Geraldo Alckmin (PSB) in the 2022 elections. UOLand paves the way for PT’s diplomacy in the next 12.

Minister Ricardo Lewandowski, the PT’s accounts rapporteur, pointed out in a vote that the PT campaign demonstrated the legality of spending, even though it pointed to some inconsistencies in the technical area of ​​the court.

“The temporal discrepancies of R$187,000 represented only 0.124% of the total funds raised in the campaign, and yet appeals were surpassed by the candidates’ documents. This insight was also confirmed by PGE.”

Asked and answered. Initially, TSE technical consultancy pointed to irregularities amounting to BRL 620,000 in accountability of Lula’s campaign, but with the documents submitted by PT’s defense, a group of expenditures was focused on three items:

  • expense negligence (R$146 thousand);
  • double tickets (R $ 5 thousand);
  • spending on campaign material (R$35 thousand).

As a result, the tech field has issued an opinion advocating approval of Lula’s accounts, but with reservations: the PT campaign should return R$41,000 to the National Treasury. However, PT explained the expenditures made for the new documents taken to TSE as follows:

  • Concerning the exclusion of expenditures of R$146,000, Lula’s campaign stated that the amounts referred to graphic services contracted by the PT’s state directory in Rio de Janeiro, which issued the note on behalf of the campaign rather than a government agency;
  • Duplicate tickets were not used, but were converted to credits, deducting the purchase of other tickets. Evidence is attached.
  • In the expenditures made with the campaign material, documents regarding the production of the material were obtained.

Following Lula’s campaign statements, Paulo Gonet Branco, deputy election attorney general, advocated the approval of the bills without reservation. There was no irregularity left for him to correct.

“The approval of the accounts by TSE is the result of the meticulous work of the team responsible for processing Lula’s accounts and the financial coordination of the campaign, which showed integrity and care in the use of resources.

And now? Diploma. Submitting the accounts is the final step before Lula and Alckmin are elected president and vice presidents. Today (6), TSE also confirmed the ballot box results, confirming that the PT candidate was elected in the elections and the graduation ceremony.

The event is scheduled for December 12 at TSE headquarters – traditionally the event is held until the 19th, but the PT team requested that the date be brought forward.

There is fear, inside and outside of the court, that diplomacy could spark riots like the one recorded in the US Capitol in 2021 when supporters of former President Donald Trump tried to block the ratification of the election that elected Joe Biden.

12/06/2022 19:47

source: Noticias


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