Like every year, the 25th December Christmas is celebrated, one of the most emblematic dates in the Catholic calendar. But the day before, the night of December 24thfamilies come together to celebrate another very special holiday: Christmas Eve.
That day, in addition to to have dinner together with typical foods, they are usually exchange gifts that Santa Claus (or Father Christmas) is leaving next to the Christmas tree.
Expected by many, especially by the little ones who keep their illusions intact, these dates are often confused. Let us see, then, what is the meaning of each and the difference between them.
What is the difference between Christmas Eve and Christmas?
According to Religious traditionthe December 24th It is called Christmas Eve or Good night. This is because Jesus is believed to have come into the world between midnight that day and early morning on the 25th.
Of waiting for the birth of the baby Godthe night of December 24 is known as Good nightbecause it is special and portends good events.
Nothing is specified in the Bible about the exact date of Jesus’ birth. However, since the year, 380 masses have been celebrated for this birth long awaited.
The story of Christmas Eve and Santa Claus
This night is also undoubtedly associated with the figure of Santa Claus (or Santa Claus) since it is known that that night he flies with his sleigh from the Arctic to all the houses in the world to leave gifts.
Another hypothesis – in this case far from religion – is that it refers to Christmas Eve pagan gatheringsEspecially to the Saturnalia, Roman festivals held in honor of the god Saturn. In them, the participants specified a great feast and gifts exchanged.
How Christmas Eve has changed throughout history
Inside sixteenth centuryhave been carried out two masses on Christmas Eve. A phone call from Aguinaldo in the morning; and Midnight Mass, at midnight. Both were to honor Jesus.
Currently only the Midnight snack where the faithful gather to celebrate the birth.
In the past, moreover, they met in inns to spend Christmas Eve both families and neighbors. Over the years, the celebration has remained only for families, who perform indoor dining of each house.
The tradition of giving gifts on Christmas Eve and at Christmas
One of the beliefs about gifts is that it is related to the gifts that wise man they led him to Jesus with his birth.
Another hypothesis is related to Roman festival of Kalendaswhere people gave gifts to the Roman emperor every winter solstice.
Nowadays, the gifts are delivered among the closest relatives as a gesture of love and gratitude. Usually they are also opened after the toast and in the first minutes of Christmas.
The origin of the Christmas tree
In ancient times, the Germans They were convinced that both the Earth and the stars hung from a gigantic treethe Divine Idrasil or Tree of the Universe, whose roots were in hell and its top, in heaven.
To celebrate the winter solstice, which occurs right now in the northern hemisphere, he decorated an oak tree with torches and danced around it.
According to tradition, around the year 740, San Bonifacio -the evangelizer of Germany and England- felled that oak which represented the God Odin and replaced it with a little sprucesymbol of God’s eternal love, for its evergreen leaves.
This tree was garnished with apples (which for Christians represent temptations) e candles (which symbolized the light of the world and divine grace). Being a perennial species, pine is the symbol of eternal life. Furthermore, its triangular shape represents the Holy Trinity.
This is the meaning that still today continues to be armed in millions of homes around the world.
Source: Clarin

Mark Jones is a world traveler and journalist for News Rebeat. With a curious mind and a love of adventure, Mark brings a unique perspective to the latest global events and provides in-depth and thought-provoking coverage of the world at large.