For some he was a brilliant seer, the best of all; for others, a big crook. But the truth is that Nostradamus wrote, almost five centuries ago, more than a thousand propheciesadvanced world events and is more than valid every day.
Controversial, complex and extravagant, the astrologer wrote 6338 prophecies and predictedinter alia, the assassination of John F. Kennedythe rise to power of Adolf Hitlerwars and nuclear bomb, the fall of the twin towers and, recently, the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
finish a complex year, unstable, which swung between bad news, shocking deaths and great joys; a 2022 in which many of the prophecies predicted by Nostradamus have come true.
A new year begins in a few days and, as usually happens on this date, a question inevitably arises: what will 2023 bring us?
Nostradamus’ prophecies for 2023
The Nostradamus predictions They are usually very broad and generic. Also, because it’s based on astrological aspects, it doesn’t give too many clues as to the exact dates when the events it displays will occur.
This is why it is essential to turn to its interpreters to get a truer idea of what it proposes. These are, one by one, his prophecies for the coming 2022, according to experts.
1-Explosion of a nuclear bomb and climate change
“For forty years the rainbow will not appear. For forty years you will see it every day. The mainland will become more arid and we will see great floods.”
According to this quatrain, experts interpret that after the explosion of a nuclear bomb, climate change will accelerate significantly. This will cause a great depopulation in many countries, especially in Europe.
2- The resignation of Pope Francis
According to the great seer, Pope Francis will leave his post in 2023. The worrying thing is that, according to his prophecy, his place would be taken by an obscure and very dangerous person. These resignations could lead to a new religious war that would affect the whole world.
3- Epidemics and great famines
In his Prophecies, Nostradamus anticipated multiple natural disasters and, throughout history, various epidemics. Now, according to the most famous seer in history, more difficult times await us, especially in connection with the war in Ukraine.
It happens that, apparently, several countries would declare themselves in a state of famine and suffer from epidemics.
4- Conquest of space: man would reach Mars
In a fragment of a quatrain of his Prophecies, he assures this “a light would fall on mars”. This, for his interpreters, would mean that man could finally set foot on the red planet, something he has historically wanted and has not been able to achieve. Will this be the year of the great conquest of space?
5- Great crisis in the United States
For this 2023, the seer predicted conflicts, instability and social discontent in the great northern country. And he also predicted a “new world order,” in which a man and a woman would work together to improve the situation on the planet, even if that society didn’t last long.
6- Seven months of great war and people killed for evil
This may be a consequence of the war between Russia and Ukraine. World War III could be unleashed and last for seven months due to the type of high-powered weapons available today.
He also describes it in detail “Ruan, Evreux, they will not fall before the king”, then these two cities could be saved from destruction. Even if Paris would not suffer the same fate.
Crazy or genius? Who is Nostradamus?
Her name was Michael of Notre Damebut we know it as Nostradamus. The most famous seer and astrologer in history was born in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in southern France on December 14, 1503.
Doctor (he studied medicine but never received it) e alchemisthe was an avid traveler whom, during his many tours in France, he contacted healers, witches and soothsayers. And it was they who passed on theirs knowledge of the stars At the height of the Renaissance (between 1547 and 1549) he toured Italy.
Starting in 1555, Nostradamus began writing his predictions in the form of quatrains. Since each book contained exactly one hundred of these four-line combinations, he named them centuries.
At that time, the art of Magic it was so naturalized that no one cared about these texts that anticipated the future.
Nostradamus had the protection of Catherine de’ Medici -first queen consort of France and then regent- who, fascinated by his talent, gave him a place at court as a fortune teller, adviser and doctor. died in 1566at 63 years old.
Crazy or genius? The truth is his name has transcended five centuries and continues to generate unknowns and expectations in the face of every event that shakes and revolutionizes the world.
Source: Clarin

Mark Jones is a world traveler and journalist for News Rebeat. With a curious mind and a love of adventure, Mark brings a unique perspective to the latest global events and provides in-depth and thought-provoking coverage of the world at large.