There are early symptoms of cancer in men They can include anything from unintentional weight loss to testicular changes and difficulty urinating. Recognizing the warning signs can significantly improve the life perspective a person.
According to the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), men have more likely to die of cancer compared to women in that country.
Knowing that certain indications can be confused, recognizing what symptoms may indicate cancer help a person get treatment as soon as possible, inform Medical News Today.
Therefore, 10 signs to be vigilant in the face of cancer
1. Changes in the intestines
Occasional changes in your gut can occur for a variety of reasons and are often not a cause for concern.
However, in the long run they can be a sign of some digestive disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These changes, in turn, can be indicators of certain types of cancer, such as colorectal, bladder and prostate.
Severe or persistent constipation or diarrhea is reason enough to see a doctor, especially if it occurs Blood in stool or there is rectal bleeding.
Both hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer can cause itching, pain, rectal bleeding, and bloody stools. It is essential to know how to differentiate them well.
2. Difficulty urinating
Blood in the urine or semen or constant difficulty urinating enough for a doctor’s consultation, as they may be signs of bladder cancer.
Painful or difficult urination can also indicate prostate cancer. Other symptoms of this case are:
- Burning sensation when urinating
- weak stream of urine
- Erectile dysfunction
- loss of bladder control
3. Weight loss
Big meals, intense workouts and can of drinking water temporarily affect a person’s body weight. However, if it happens unintentionally (more than 5% of your body weight in less than 12 months) and is very noticeable, it’s cause for concern.
Note that it does not necessarily mean a man has cancer. However, don’t turn a blind eye to possible warnings.
4. Changes in the testicles
According to the US National Institutes of Health, the Testicular cancer It is one of the most common in men’s 15 to 45 years oldspreads the portal of health.
It doesn’t always cause symptoms in the early stages, but a lump is often the first noticeable sign. Other events:
- Pain in one or both testicles
- Changes in the size or firmness of a testicle
- Pain, swelling or numbness in the scrotum
- dull pain in the groin
Bacterial and viral infections can also cause testicular inflammation and pain. And they can generate false alarm sometimes expands the health portal Medical News Today.
5. Breast lumps
Men can develop too breast cancereven if the estimated percentage is just 1%.
Under the nipples is a small amount of breast tissue which contains ducts, and that’s where it often starts and spreads to the surrounding breast tissue.
Breast changes that may indicate cancer include:
- swelling or lump
- skin dimples
- nipple discharge
- inverted nipple
6. Sores on the skin or mouth
There are a few ways of skin cancer they can look like other types of skin sores. In the early stages, the skin cancer they can present as solid red bumps that bleed or develop a dry, scaly top, they say
At an early stage, it can cause severe red lesions or open sores in the mouth. Some people develop leukoplakia, a condition in which white or gray patches appear inside the mouth and on the tongue.
Tobacco use can also significantly increase your risk.
7. Persistent cough
A cough that doesn’t go away or gets worse without any obvious cause over time it can be a sign of several serious health conditions including lung cancer.
Other symptoms that may indicate a serious condition include:
- coughing up blood
- Excessive mucus production
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain
- Hoarseness
8. Abdominal pain
The persistent abdominal pain or nausea they can indicate a digestive problem, such as gastroenteritis. But also links to stomach cancer, bile ducts or pancreas.
If a person experiences stomach pain along with any of the following symptoms, they should see a doctor.
- unexplained weight loss
- loss of appetite
- Nausea or vomiting
- Blood in stool
- Jaundice
9. Bone pain
Some types of cancer, eg prostate and lung cancer, can spread to the bones. This spread occurs in the more advanced stages of the cancer.
The bone metastases It can cause a dull, powerful pain that may initially come and go before remaining constant. Even cancer can weaken bonesmaking them more prone to fractures.
10. Fatigue
Fatigue describes a Constant feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. And cancer may have screwed up there.
leukemia and lymphoma, for example, can disrupt the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. A low red blood cell count can cause fatigue because less oxygen circulates in the body.
Uncontrolled tumor growth can cause fatigue and rapid weight loss. Cancer fatigue doesn’t improve with sleep.
Source: Clarin

Mark Jones is a world traveler and journalist for News Rebeat. With a curious mind and a love of adventure, Mark brings a unique perspective to the latest global events and provides in-depth and thought-provoking coverage of the world at large.