Home World News Elections in France: Macron’s “victory” in Marine Le Pen debate will not influence ballot

Elections in France: Macron’s “victory” in Marine Le Pen debate will not influence ballot

Elections in France: Macron’s “victory” in Marine Le Pen debate will not influence ballot

Elections in France: The

Emmanuel Macron left the campaign after a debate at Marine Le Pen, on Wednesday night. Photo: AFP

Management wins, not politics. A presidential debate in which President Emmanuel Macron prevailed and Marine Pen, the most right -wing candidate, was defeated. But definitely not very influential on the French when choosing who to vote for next Sunday.

This was the conclusion of the specialists the next day, after reviewing the two -and -a -half -hour exchange of the two candidates for the ballot on Sunday.

The first Opinion 2022 survey, conducted by the Elabe Institute, found that 59 percent of viewers considered Macron as the winner against 39 percent for National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen.

The head of state benefited from 97 percent support among his own constituents as the winner. Marine Le Pen fans are more divided: 85 percent of them believe that “It was more convincing” Marine that he.

After this 150 minutes of difficult, dense and accusatory debate but no less pathetic than in 2017, 53 percent of viewers considered Macron “to have the necessary qualities to be president” against 29 percent in favor of Marine Le Pen.

53 percent of viewers considered Macron to be

53 percent of viewers considered Macron to “have the necessary qualities to be president.” Photo: AFP

Polls show that for 36 percent of those surveyed, Macron is “the candidate most capable of uniting the French”, when the country is divided by the Yellow Vests, the massive increase in the cost of living, the Covid vaccines and the policy to prevent epidemics and immigration. 31 percent believe Marine Le Pen can fill that role.

Macron, “the arrogant”

The survey shows that Macron is judged as “the most dynamic candidate” (49%), “the most honest” (36%), “with the best project” (44%) and “most arrogant” (with 50 percent).

Marine Le Pen was found by respondents “the most annoying (50%), “closest to people’s concerns” (37%) and “can change things” (51%).

Marine and the trauma of 2017

A baroque scene of power as the stage design, with the Elysee in the background and some golden armchairs, far from minimalism, for this competition seen by over 15 million French people. both candidates navy blue they chosealthough she left a light pink blazer for her hardest night out.

Le Pen and Macron debate on Wednesday night.  Both turned navy blue.  Photo: Reuters

Le Pen and Macron debate on Wednesday night. Both turned navy blue. Photo: Reuters

Marine Le Pen clearly wants to rise above the trauma of the debate in 2017 and choose a defensive tone, who beat him. This allowed Macron to forget the contradictions and the crisis of his government.

No one will forget that Dantesque debate of the last election led to the paper. maritime is labeled “ignorant”, without the slightest preparation to become president, when he competed with Macron. That image is the one that controls him all night so as not to make mistakes and repeat history.

Le Pen he wanted to look presidential, calm, controlled. He needs to look like a mature, enlightened presidential candidate, who has studied and discarded aggression and bad habits. A Marine who went through the girls’ school.

Marine Le Pen started the debate before it was released, in an entertaining but amusingly toned episode. It will be different than before. He smiled, relaxed.

The 2017 debate;  a disaster for Le pen.  Photo: Reuters

The 2017 debate; a disaster for Le pen. Photo: Reuters

Macron, the professor

Macron is more Macron than ever. The teacher, the president occupying all the argumentative space and cutting off his opponent’s word to explain his project. Le Pen’s weakness is his program priceless and populist. But the head of state returned to his pride, that is creates problems in French society. The president was fiery and condescending during the debate.

He destabilized Le Pen on economic issues and in Russia and its funding to banks near Moscow. But the discussion was filled with numbers, of technocracy. And a topic that went unnoticed: Macron mentions Mercosur and announced that France it is not supported because it affects the environment.

The Civil War

Immigration, the referendum, Le Pen’s Islamic headscarf ban electrified the debate. Macron threatened the nation when he said the veil was banned mentioned French forces provoked “civil war” and accused Le Pen of mix everything: the veil, terrorism, migrants, Islamists.

Marine Le Pen spoke to the reporter while stopping in the town of Roye.  Photo: AFP

Marine Le Pen spoke to the reporter while stopping in the town of Roye. Photo: AFP

But the debate is very long became boringtoo formatted, with so many themes. Everything seems to indicate that the voters they will not change their minds after this debate over who they will vote for on Sunday.

Big question of the Sunday is the abstention and the Ni, that great army of young people who don’t want to vote for one or the other, and who will decide the election.

It was 26.31 percent in the first round of this election and is rising related to 2017. Among them you will find a French novelty: the blank vote in protest.

theback to the campaign

The campaign began again on Thursday to convince skeptics, which will be crucial on Sunday. Friday at midnight the ban will begin elections and no more time.

Marine LePen set for the Somme and will end the day in Arras, in Pas de Calais, with a public action. There he will talk about the price of diesel, which has gone from 0.80 per cent to 2.50 euros along with the war crisis in Ukraine, after talking to truck drivers. He thinks he still has it chance to win the second round.

The campaign began again on Thursday to convince those who had not decided.  Photo: Reuters

The campaign began again on Thursday to convince those who had not decided. Photo: Reuters

But made his self -criticism after the discussion. “When I’m brave, I’m super. When I’m less, I’m not enough,” said Marine Le Pen, answering a question about her performance in a televised debate last night.

Marine Le Pen said he found Emmanuel Macron “just like himself”, “arrogant and contemptuous”. The second term of the outgoing president is for him “social unrest”. “Another election is possible. The French must vote by listening to their cause ”, he concluded.

President Emmanuel Macron continues his campaign in Seine-Saint Denis, the territory of immigrants to France, which is very close to Paris. If he wins, Macron will speak to the nation from the Champ de Mars, in front of the Eiffel Tower, on Sunday night, “even if it rains”.

When French newspapers unanimously acknowledged Macron’s victory in the debate, politicians spoke out.

Edouard Philippe, Macron’s former prime minister, said “I have seen a president who know his subjectswhile saluting an “effort of conviction, of determination.”

Marine Le Pen takes a selfie with Roye.  Photo: Reuters

Marine Le Pen takes a selfie with Roye. Photo: Reuters

The former prime minister considered that the debate on Wednesday night is “helpful” and “somewhat explanatory”.

“This confrontation, as intense as the solid, undoubtedly allows voters to refine their choice” against “two styles, two programs, two personalities.”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the arbiter of this electionleader of France Insumisa and wants to be prime minister after the legislature, sum it up in one word: “a disaster”.

The RN’s spokesman, Laurent Jacobelli, considered that “this debate aims to reflect two visions of France, two personalities that have emerged between a calm and determined candidate and a once unkind and hypocritical president. . “

The heads of government of Germany, Spain and Portugal they explicitly called to vote for Macron.

At a forum that appeared on Thursday in Le Monde, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Pedro Sanchez, Perez Castejon and Antonio Luis Santos da Costa they asked to choose the “democratic candidate” against attacks made on freedom and democracy.

“The choice facing the French andThis is important for France and for all of us in Europe. It’s the choice between a Democratic candidate and a candidate from the extreme right, that’s frank side with those who attack our freedom and our democracy ”, they wrote without naming them, and said they hoped that the French people would elect on April 24 a“ France that defends our common values ​​”.

Paris, correspondent


Source: Clarin


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