Home World News Two years after the assault on the Capitol, Donald Trump is increasingly alone and with his back against the wall

Two years after the assault on the Capitol, Donald Trump is increasingly alone and with his back against the wall

Two years after the assault on the Capitol, Donald Trump is increasingly alone and with his back against the wall

Two years after a horde of followers of then US President Donald Trump (2017-2021) stormed the country’s Capitol, the Republican wants to return to the White House, but little by little he is seeing us increasingly cornered by the investigations against him and the voices that turn their backs on him multiply.

On January 6, 2021, thousands of people violently stormed the Congress building in Washington to try to prevent the ratification of the electoral victory of Democrat Joe Biden spurred by Trump’s false fraud allegations.

In that episode, which still marks the country’s political and media agenda, there were five dead and about 140 injured.

According to the Justice Department, more than 950 people have been arrested for their role in the attack and 192 received prison sentences both in trials and by plea bargaining.

Trump, the main culprit

But it took two years for the congressional commission that investigated the facts, controlled by the Democrats, to indicate without hesitation the main culprit: Donald Trump.

In its final report, filed Dec. 19, the committee asked the Biden administration’s Justice Department to criminally charge the Republican and urged Congress to prevent Trump from running again in the 2024 election.

After months of exposing with testimony what happened in the bowels of the White House during the storming of the Capitol, the commission concluded that Trump committed the crimes of inciting an insurrectionobstructing an official proceeding, defrauding the Government and making false statements.

The “central” cause of the incident was “one man, former President Donald Trump, followed by many others,” according to the report.

In an interview, a White House employee stated this Trump knew that many protesters carried guns and that he even tried to grab the wheel of the presidential limousine to go to the Capitol.

However, things are slow at the Justice Department: it was last November that the US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the former president’s role in the attack.

“We are committed to ensure accountability by those responsible for the attack on our democracy and we will do everything in our power to prevent it from happening again,” Garland said in a statement Wednesday.

Document theft

Even so, if there’s one investigation that has grabbed the headlines in recent months, it’s the Justice Department’s investigation into Trump for illegally stealing classified documents from the White House when he left office.

The FBI found dozens of these top-secret documents during an August 8 search of Mar-a-Lago, the former president’s Florida residence, in front of which Trump denounced a “witch hunt”.

The prosecution believes that the former president violated the espionage lawjustice impeded and documents destroyed, crimes that could carry anything from fines to prison sentences and disqualification from political office.

These are not the only pending cases of the billionaire, who is also accused of financial irregularities in his New York general store.

Lose weight while playing

Faced with these scandals, including the storming of the Capitol, almost the entire Republican Party ranks closed around Trumpwho continues to be the de facto leader of the formation and still appears to maintain high political capital.

But that all changed in last November’s midterm elections, when Republicans won a much more modest victory than expected and many Trump-led radical candidates suffered major defeats.

various items they have since asked for his relief and even the launch of his 2024 presidential campaign was met with coldness by the ultra-conservative media that backed him.

“Florida man drops ad,” he posted The New York Post in a modest space on its cover.

In his place, a new star of the conservatives is gaining weight, the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, who He already leads Trump in the polls as presidential.

His loss of influence was staged again this week when he asked his most radical acolytes to vote for Republican Kevin McCarthy as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, but until now they have turned a deaf ear at the will of their leader.

Source: EFE

Source: Clarin


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