Peru: tension continues with new checkpoints, one dead in Cusco and a march on Lima

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Continues High voltage in Peruwhere protests by the opposition and clashes between protesters and the forces of order continue in various regions of central-south, particularly intense in Cusco, where a person in his fifties died of a gunshot wound in the chest, according to La República, from Lima.

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The recent riots coincide this Thursday with a march of various social, agrarian and rural organizations who seek itbequeath to Lima move anti-government protests to the capital.

In an official statement, the Cusco regional government reported that at least 22 civilians and police they were injured, interned in city hospitals in clashes with the police. But the Lima media talk about it at least 43 injured.

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The fatal victim has been identified as Rowing Candia Guevara, leader of a community in Cusco, who died in clashes with agents of the National Police.

“The victim died at 8.50pm (Wednesday) of a gunshot wound. There are many injured people who came due to the impact of bullets. Unfortunately this citizen was operated on and went to intensive care; however, he could not resist due to the gravity of his situation, ”the regional health director of Cusco, Abel Paucarmayta, told La República.

The airport

Hundreds of people repeatedly tried to reach the city’s international airport, but the police, with the help of armored vehicles and the use of tear gas and non-lethal bullets, managed to thwart the attempt.

The newspaper La República reported that there are active in the Cusco region at least 12 checkpoints which have paralyzed the transport of people and goods.

Demonstrations in Peru are calling for the dissolution of Parliament, the resignation of the President of the Republic Dina Boluarte and immediate elections after the deposition of Pedro Castillo on December 7, when he attempted to carry out a self-coup.

The coordinator of the prosecutor’s office for the fight against organized crime, Jorge Chávez Cotrina, said that the 17 who died last Monday in the demonstrations in Juliaca, in the Puno region, they were hit with gunshot wounds.

“A 60-day investigation has been decided – he added – classified as manslaughter and serious injuries”, he added.

More cuts

The Superintendence of Land Transport of People, Goods and Cargo (Sutran) reported that the cut was maintained this Thursday morning, due to the action of protestersat 78 transit points, mainly in the south of the country.

In addition to local and minor roads, these blocks included 16 national roads and involved highways in 10 regions of the country, including southern Puno, Cusco, Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Apurímac and Madre de Dios, and northern San Martin.

The leader of a peasant community died during protests in the city of Cuzco on Wednesday, pushing up the total number of deaths in anti-government protests that began in Peru in December up to 48 people.

So far, 40 protesters have been killed in direct clashes with law enforcement, as well as a police officer killed by a mob, while seven other people have lost their lives. “due to traffic accidents and events related to the blockade”, according to data from the ombudsman’s office.

Local agencies and media


Source: Clarin

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