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Numerology: What is the spiritual meaning of your surname?

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Numerology is a discipline that is meant to help us know ourselves, to accompany us in life and guide us in discovering our mission. And so do we allows you to understand things which are sometimes difficult to understand.

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In this sense, often things happen to us that we think have no explanation: we meet people we don’t know but who are familiar to us or we go through situations that we think we have already experienced.

Is that, as they say, everything is related. Forks Pythagorasthe famous Greek philosopher and mathematician, who through his Table it teaches us every mystery of life can be revealed.

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And in this, the Numerologyrecognized art of understanding the meaning of numbers, has the ability to know what is the real meaning of our surname.

Numerologist Nadir Otermin Hamed explains how to know.

What is the spiritual meaning of your surname?

The last name that our family brings has many tools that help decipher the messages hidden behind the numbers. One of them is the Inherited karmic energy and the lessons they will experience as a group.

To find out what inherited karmic energies family groups possess, it is necessary to do this formula, always assigning a numerical value to each letter that Pythagoras leaves us in his Table.

What are the values ​​of the multiplication table

  • A, J, S = VALUE 1
  • B,K,T = VALUE 2
  • C, L, U = VALUE 3
  • D,M,V = VALUE 4
  • E,N,W= VALUE 5
  • F,O,X = VALUE 6
  • G, P, Y = VALUE 7
  • H,Q,Z = VALUE 8
  • I, R = VALUE 9

For example, the surname Suárez has these values. S = 1 U = 3 A = 1 R = 9 E = 5 Z = 8. The result would be 27. Reducing it, it would be: 2+7= 9. This is, therefore, a surname of Inherited karmic energy number 9.

How to know the spiritual meaning of your surname

Surname with value 1: They are strong and independent personalities. They have the ability to fix everything. They bring generosity.

Inherited Karma: They should not be carried away by selfishness and jealousy; They should always think before they act, as being impulsive will bring them many conflicts.

Surname with value 2: They are very emotional and perceptive.

Inherited Karma: They are indecisive, always doubting their own abilities. They have to work on fear as this is why they cannot achieve the goals.

Surname with value 3: Curious and charismatic personality.

Inherited Karma: They know how to communicate and also how to persuade. They don’t forgive easily, which makes them suspicious of everything.

Surname with value 4: Orderly and disciplined. They are faithful and romantic.

Inherited Karma: They don’t find a good balance between what they think and feel. They hesitate to make decisions.

Surname with value 5: Talented, highly intelligent and thoughtful. Freedom lovers.

Inherited Karma: They must beware of excesses in every way and control their actions. They easily lose control.

Surname with value 6: Artistic, noble, charming, they inspire confidence.

Inherited Karma: They need to disconnect with superficiality and get away from meaningless whims.

Surname with value 7: Disciplined, methodical and organized. They value solitude and most are introverts.

Inherited Karma: They tend to doubt themselves. They have no confidence and are low risk.

Surname with value 8: Determined. They go out of their way when it comes to achieving their goals. Seductive in all their generations.

Inherited Karma: They are not tolerant of others. Which leads to constant conflicts with the surrounding environment.

Surname with value 9: Of an affectionate disposition, they try to help others.

Inherited Karma: They easily conflict. When they should leave, they do the opposite.

Nadir Otermin Hamed is a Numerologist and Master Holistic Therapist. Instagram: @consultorioholisticonadir

Source: Clarin

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