Heartwarming image of a dog helping another in a wheelchair stuck in the sand: ‘That’s friendship’

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There is a well-known saying that a dog is man’s best friend. And it is no less: these animals manage to create a unique bond with human beings thanks to their unbreakable loyalty, their unconditional love and their ability to catch emotions of others.

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However, from time to time dogs show us that these noble qualities are not only and exclusively in dealing with people, but also that to each other they can give loyalty through nice gestures.

And the Twitter account proves it @buitengebieden, sharing a video in which the loyalty of dogs is perfectly seen, even among themselves. An image that has conquered millions of people on social networks.

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Moving video: “dog solidarity”

“A friend is someone who…”, he points out @buitengebieden like the title of the video in which a purebred dog appears golden retriever helping another in a wheelchair for dogs that are completely stuck in a sandpit on a golf course.

As can be seen in the image, both are holding an object with their mouths and the golden retriever dog He pulls back hard to unlock his canine friend. whose wheelchair could not move through the sand.

Emotion in the networks

It didn’t take long for the image to go around the world. So much so that the video accumulates more than a million views in a few days and all kinds of Comments about it: from those who shared similar clips, to those who couldn’t help but feel tenderness looking at the images.

“True love, true friendship”; “Heidi and Clara look alike”; “He’s always there when you need him”; “How sweet”, were some of the Comments.

Other posts have added their opinion on the attitude of those who filmed the images: “And the other friend stays from afar to record it”; “Why is the dog in the wheelchair stuck there and only the other dog is helping him?”

“This is why I love dogs” or “People could learn a lot from dogs” were other popular reactions from users.

C. Bisbe, La Vanguardia

Source: Clarin

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