Netflixthe quintessential movie and series platform, lets you restrict content to the smallest members of the house, and also lets you block them individually.
“Sorry for the interruption: The person who owns this account (the one who pays for the subscription) has restricted what can be viewed based on age or content. Error code M7111 – 5009”, is the message that appears when a user, in this case not the account owner, tries to access the blocked content.
This notification usually appears when using shared accounts, as the account owner has imposed some restrictions on the streaming service.
How to unblock restricted content on Netflix, step by step
To resolve this obstacle, you need to contact the account owner to mention what happened.
The unlocking process is simple and can be done in simple steps.
- Sign in to Netflix
- Select your profile icon and click on “Account”
- Within the account settings, go to “Profile and Parental Controls” and view the profile of the affected user
- Under “Viewing restrictions”, click “Edit”
- For security reasons, the system will recommend that you enter your Netflix login password again
- Inside the App, in the “Restricted Titles” section, there is a red list with all the blocked series and films. Select on the “X” of the desired title and remove the lock.
- Finally, press the “Save” button.
Content blocked due to age restrictions
If one of the blocked titles does not appear in the list, the problem may be with the file age limit.
In the call section “Age Rating” check the corresponding box to unlock all content for ages 0, 7, 12, 16 or 18.
If the profile is used by minors, it is advisable to keep the restrictions and create a personal one for autonomous use.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.